我使用qtip2用於顯示警報消息我的web應用程序(如http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/demos/#dialogues所示)如何給默認的警報功能的行爲qtip 2警報
function dialogue(content, title) {
* Since the dialogue isn't really a tooltip as such, we'll use a dummy
* out-of-DOM element as our target instead of an actual element like document.body
$('<div />').qtip(
content: {
text: content
, title: {
text: 'PMGSY ',
button: 'Close'
position: {
my: 'center', at: 'center', // Center it...
target: $(window) // ... in the window
show: {
ready: true, // Show it straight away
modal: {
on: true, // Make it modal (darken the rest of the page)...
blur: false, // ... but don't close the tooltip when clicked
escape: false
hide: false, // We'll hide it maunally so disable hide events
style: {
classes: 'qtip-shadow qtip-rounded qtip-dialogue', // Optional shadow...
widget: true //themeroller
events: {
// Hide the tooltip when any buttons in the dialogue are clicked
render: function (event, api) {
$('button', api.elements.content).click(api.hide);
// Destroy the tooltip once it's hidden as we no longer need it!
hide: function (event, api) { api.destroy(); }
function Alert(message) {
// Content will consist of the message and an ok button
var message = $('<p />', { text: message }),
ok = $('<button />', { text: 'Ok', 'class': 'full' });
dialogue(message.add(ok), 'Alert!');
Alert("Customised alerts"); //this doesent show
如何使我的自定義警報模仿默認警報功能? 請幫助