2010-12-07 87 views

我已經得到了下面的方法(例如,從this link拍攝)爲什麼我Lucene.Net「點擊」採集長度返回「0」

Public Function ReadIndex(ByVal q As String, ByVal page As Integer?) As List(Of Domain.[Event]) Implements ILuceneService.ReadIndex 
     ''# This starts us at the first record if the user doesn't have a page specified 
     If page Is Nothing Then page = 0 
     Dim i As Integer = page 

     ''# Variables used by Lucene 
     Dim reader As IndexReader = IndexReader.Open(luceneDirectory) 
     Dim searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(reader) 
     Dim query As Query = New TermQuery(New Term("fullText", q.ToLower)) 
     Dim hits As Hits = searcher.Search(query) 

     Dim ResultIDs As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) 
     Dim HC = hits.Length ''# FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES 
     While (i <= (page * 10) AndAlso i < hits.Length) 
      Dim document As Document = hits.Doc(i) 
      Dim score As Single = hits.Score(i) 
      i += 1 
     End While 

     ''# Self explanitory 
     Return EventService.QueryEvents().Where(Function(e) (ResultIDs.Contains(e.ID))).ToList() 
    End Function 


 Dim HC = hits.Length ''# FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES 



alt text

alt text



Imports System.Web 
Imports System.Text 
Imports Lucene.Net.Index 
Imports Lucene.Net.Search 
Imports Lucene.Net.Documents 
Imports Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard 
Imports Lucene.Net.Store 

Namespace Domain 
    Public Class LuceneService : Implements ILuceneService 
     Private luceneDirectory As Directory = FSDirectory.GetDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"), False) 
     Private ExceptionService As Domain.IExceptionService 
     Private EventService As Domain.EventService 
     Sub New() 
      ExceptionService = New Domain.ExceptionService(New Domain.ExceptionRepository) 
      EventService = New Domain.EventService(New Domain.EventRepository) 
     End Sub 

     Public Function AddIndex(ByVal searchableEvent As [Event]) As Boolean Implements ILuceneService.AddIndex 

      Dim builder As New StringBuilder 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 
      builder.Append(" ") 

      Dim writer As New IndexWriter(luceneDirectory, New StandardAnalyzer(), False) 

      Dim doc As Document = New Document 

      doc.Add(New Field("id", searchableEvent.ID, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)) 
      doc.Add(New Field("fullText", builder.ToString, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)) 
      doc.Add(New Field("user", searchableEvent.User.UserName, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)) 
      doc.Add(New Field("location", searchableEvent.Location.Name, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)) 
      doc.Add(New Field("date", searchableEvent.StartDateTime, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)) 


      Return True 

     End Function 

     Public Function DeleteIndex(ByVal searchableEvent As [Event]) As Boolean Implements ILuceneService.DeleteIndex 
      Throw New NotImplementedException 
     End Function 

     Public Function ReadIndex(ByVal q As String, ByVal page As Integer?) As List(Of Domain.[Event]) Implements ILuceneService.ReadIndex 

      Dim IDList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) 
      If page Is Nothing Then page = 0 
      Dim i As Integer = page 

      ''# Variables used by Lucene 
      Dim reader As IndexReader = IndexReader.Open(luceneDirectory) 
      Dim searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(reader) 
      Dim query As Query = New TermQuery(New Term("fullText", q.ToLower)) 
      Dim hits As Hits = searcher.Search(query) 

      Dim HC = hits.Length ''# For Debugging Purposes 

      While (i <= (page * 10) AndAlso i < hits.Length()) 
       Dim document As Document = hits.Doc(i) 
       Dim score As Single = hits.Score(i) 
       i += 1 
      End While 

      ''# Self explanitory 
      Return EventService.QueryEvents().Where(Function(e) (IDList.Contains(e.ID))).ToList() 
     End Function 

     Public Function UpdateIndex(ByVal searchableEvent As [Event]) As Boolean Implements ILuceneService.UpdateIndex 
      Throw New NotImplementedException 
     End Function 

     Private Sub CreateIndex() Implements ILuceneService.CreateIndex 
      If Not IndexReader.IndexExists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/")) Then 
       Dim writer As New IndexWriter(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"), New StandardAnalyzer(), True) 
      End If 
     End Sub 
    End Class 
End Namespace 

什麼是您搜索時「搜索查詢」的示例值? – Justin 2010-12-07 03:04:35


我編輯了問題以刪除該行。我使用簡化版本的查詢得到了相同的結果。 – 2010-12-07 03:25:27




Public Function ReadIndex(ByVal q As String, ByVal page As Integer?) As Domain.Pocos.LuceneResults Implements ILuceneService.ReadIndex 
     ''# A timer variable to determine now long the method executes for 
     Dim tStart As DateTime = DateTime.Now 

     ''# Creates a container that we use to store all of the result ID's 
     Dim IDList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) 

     ''# First we set the initial page number. 
     ''# If it'S null, it means it's zero 
     If (page Is Nothing) Or (page <= 0) Then page = 1 

     ''# [i] is the variable we use to extract the appropriate (needed) 
     ''# documents from the results. Its initial value is the page number 
     ''# multiplied by the number of results we want to return (in our 
     ''# case 10). The [last] variable is used to stop the while loop at 
     ''# the 10th record by simply adding 9 to the [i] variable. 
     Dim i = (page - 1) * 10 
     Dim last As Integer = i + 9 

     ''# Variables used by Lucene 
     Dim reader As IndexReader = IndexReader.Open(luceneDirectory) 
     Dim searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(reader) 
     Dim parser As QueryParser = New QueryParser("fullText", New StandardAnalyzer()) 
     Dim query As Query = parser.Parse(q.ToLower) 

     ''# We're using 10,000 as the maximum number of results to return 
     ''# because I have a feeling that we'll never reach that full amount 
     ''# anyways. And if we do, who in their right mind is going to page 
     ''# through all of the results? 
     Dim topDocs As TopDocs = searcher.Search(query, Nothing, 10000) 
     Dim doc As Document = Nothing 

     ''# loop through the topDocs and grab the appropriate 10 results based 
     ''# on the submitted page number 
     While i <= last AndAlso i < topDocs.totalHits 
      doc = searcher.Doc(topDocs.scoreDocs(i).doc) 
      i += 1 
     End While 

     ''# Self explanitoryB 
     Dim EventList As List(Of Domain.Event) = EventService.QueryEvents().Where(Function(e) (IDList.Contains(e.ID))).ToList() 

     Dim tStop As DateTime = DateTime.Now 

     ''# Instead of just returning a list of results 
     ''# I've decided to create a POCO that also contains 
     ''# the number of results and how long the method took to execute. 
     Dim LucienResults As New Domain.Pocos.LuceneResults With {.EventList = EventList, 
                    .ExecuteTime = (tStop - tStart), 
                    .TotalResults = topDocs.totalHits} 

     Return LucienResults 
    End Function 
Dim HC = hits.Length 


Dim HC = hits.Length()