2014-11-23 173 views


car_specs = [("1. Ford Fiesta - Studio", ["3", "54mpg", "Manual", "£9,995"]), 
      ("2. Ford Focous - Studio", ["5", "48mpg", "Manual", "£17,295"]), 
      ("3. Vauxhall Corsa STING", ["3", "53mpg", "Manual", "£8,995"]), 
      ("4. VW Golf - S", ["5", "88mpg", "Manual", "£17,175"]) 


new_name = input("What is the name of the new car?") 
new_doors = input("How many doors does it have?") 
new_efficency = input("What is the fuel efficency of the new car?") 
new_gearbox = input("What type of gearbox?") 
new_price = input("How much does the new car cost?") 
car_specs.insert(len(car_specs), (new_name[new_doors, new_efficency, new_gearbox, new_price])) 


Would you like to add a new car?(Y/N)Y 
What is the name of the new car?test 
How many doors does it have?123456 
What is the fuel efficency of the new car?23456 
What type of gearbox?234567 
How much does the new car cost?234567 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "/Users/JagoStrong-Wright/Documents/School Work/Computer Science/car list.py", line 35, in <module> 
    car_specs.insert(len(car_specs), (new_name[new_doors, new_efficency, new_gearbox, new_price])) 
TypeError: string indices must be integers 



你錯過了把一個逗號NEW_NAME這使得它作爲這裏的切片手術後(NEW_NAME,[new_doors,new_efficency,new_gearbox,NEW_PRICE]) – 2014-11-23 12:35:36




new_name = input("What is the name of the new car?") 
new_doors = input("How many doors does it have?") 
new_efficency = input("What is the fuel efficency of the new car?") 
new_gearbox = input("What type of gearbox?") 
new_price = input("How much does the new car cost?") 
car_specs.append(("{}. {}".format(len(car_specs) + 1,new_name),[new_doors, new_efficency, new_gearbox, new_price])) 


car_specs = {'2. Ford Focous - Studio': ['5', '48mpg', 'Manual', '\xc2\xa317,295'], '1. Ford Fiesta - Studio': ['3', '54mpg', 'Manual', '\xc2\xa39,995'], '3. Vauxhall Corsa STING': ['3', '53mpg', 'Manual', '\xc2\xa38,995'], '4. VW Golf - S': ['5', '88mpg', 'Manual', '\xc2\xa317,175']} 


car_specs["{}. {}".format(len(car_specs)+1,new_name)] = [new_doors, new_efficency, new_gearbox, new_price] 

感謝您的幫助:) – 2014-11-24 16:14:16



而且new_name的是字符串,當你NEW_NAME [X]在該字符串的X + 1個字符的要價蟒蛇。

new_name = input("What is the name of the new car?") 
new_doors = input("How many doors does it have?") 
new_efficency = input("What is the fuel efficency of the new car?") 
new_gearbox = input("What type of gearbox?") 
new_price = input("How much does the new car cost?") 
car_specs.insert(str(len(car_specs + 1))+'. - ' + name, [new_doors, new_efficency, new_gearbox, new_price]) 