是否有任何規定可以在Ansible劇本中動態聲明列表? 我想要的東西,像set_fact或註冊聲明動態列表?
- setfact: list_name= list_of(1, {{ n }}) # should return a list of 1 to n numbers
是否有任何規定可以在Ansible劇本中動態聲明列表? 我想要的東西,像set_fact或註冊聲明動態列表?
- setfact: list_name= list_of(1, {{ n }}) # should return a list of 1 to n numbers
- name: "Registering list varibles count " shell: python -c "print [x for x in range(1, {{ server_var['count'] }})]" register: list_name - name: "debug statement to checkout the output" debug: msg: "{{ list_name.stdout }}" # the list_name.stdout can also be used as jinja list variable