screwed_up_code.py in atleast_4d(arr)
28 def atleast_4d(arr):
29 stshape = arr.shape
30 while len(stshape)<4: stshape+=(1,)
31 print arr.shape, stshape
---> 32 return arr.reshape(stshape)
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/memmap.pyc in __array_finalize__(self, obj)
255 if hasattr(obj, '_mmap'):
256 self._mmap = obj._mmap
--> 257 self.filename = obj.filename
258 self.offset = obj.offset
259 self.mode = obj.mode
AttributeError: 'memmap' object has no attribute 'filename'
如果你想知道arr.shape = (192, 384, 6)
和stshape = (192, 384, 6, 1)
正如NPE的建議,我看着the bug report of a similar sounding AttributeError。那裏的一張海報把它歸咎於由於醃製ndarrays而迷失的屬性。我確實酸洗陣列和重新盤活當加載陣列像這樣:
newarr = numpy.ndarray(pickled_array)
pickled_array = newarr # use the recreated instead of the pickled arr
Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'tell'",) in ignored
Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'tell'",) in ignored
Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'tell'",) in <bound method memmap.__del__ of memmap([ 85389.2734375, 125935.75 , 173624.09375 , 272958.78125 ,
305687.65625 , 433026.3125 ], dtype=float32)> ignored
如果你加入了SSCCE(http://sscce.org/) – NPE
,我真的會幫助你,我希望我能。我所嘗試的所有SSCCE的問題是他們實際上工作並且不會產生這個問題。你可以看到'''atleast_4d'''是一個非常溫和的小函數。我正在交付一個形狀不規則的陣列(192,384,6)。當我給它一個相同大小的新創建的數組時,它不會發生。不知何故,我的代碼以這樣的方式準備數組,使得它在atleast_4d''內部爆炸。 – DrSAR
這樣的聲音可能在當前的numpy中被修復。 (儘管這可能是1.7.x) – seberg