2015-08-20 43 views

備註:這個問題涵蓋了爲什麼這個腳本太慢了。但是,如果你更喜歡改善某種東西的人,你可以看看my post on CodeReview which aims to improve the performance爲什麼我的Python腳本比它的R相當慢?





/home/nobackup/SONAR/COMPACT/WR-P-E-A/WR-P-E-A0000364.data.ids.xml: <sentence>Vooral mijn abessijn ruikt heerlijk kruidig .. :))</sentence> 
/home/nobackup/SONAR/COMPACT/WR-P-E-A/WR-P-E-A0000364.data.ids.xml: <sentence>Mijn abessijn denkt daar heel anders over .. :)) Maar mijn kinderen richt ik ook niet af , zit niet in mijn bloed .</sentence> 


ID | filename    | node | component | precedingWord  | leftContext        | sentence 
1 adapter.WR-P-P-F.lst adapter WR-P-P-F aanpassingseenheid Een aanpassingseenheid (      Een aanpassingseenheid (adapter) , 
2 adapter.WR-P-P-F.lst adapter WR-P-P-F toestel    Het toestel (        Het toestel (adapter) draagt zorg voor de overbrenging van gegevens 
3 adapter.WR-P-P-F.lst adapter WR-P-P-F de     de aansluiting tussen de sensor en de   de aansluiting tussen de sensor en de adapter , 
4 airbag.WS-U-E-A.lst airbag WS-U-E-A den     ja voor den         ja voor den airbag op te pompen eh :p 
5 airbag.WS-U-E-A.lst airbag WS-U-E-A ne     Dobby , als ze valt heeft ze dan wel al ne Dobby , als ze valt heeft ze dan wel al ne airbag hee 



neuter = ["het", "Het"] 
non_neuter = ["de","De"] 


node | neuter | nonNeuter | unspecified 
A-bom  0   4    2 
acroniem 3   0    2 
act   3   2    1 



# --- 
# STEP 0: Preparations 
    start_time <- Sys.time() 
    ## 1. Set working directory in R 

    ## 2. Load required library/libraries 

    ## 3. Create directory where we'll save our dataset(s) 
    dir.create("../R/dataset", showWarnings = FALSE) 

# --- 
# STEP 1: Loop through files, get data from the filename 

    ## 1. Create first dataframe, based on filename of all files 
    files <- list.files(pattern="*.lst", full.names=T, recursive=FALSE) 
    d <- data.frame(fileName = unname(sapply(files, basename)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

    ## 2. Create additional columns (word & component) based on filename 
    d$node <- sub("\\..+", "", d$fileName, perl=TRUE) 
    d$node <- tolower(d$node) 
    d$component <- gsub("^[^\\.]+\\.|\\.lst$", "", d$fileName, perl=TRUE) 

# --- 
# STEP 2: Loop through files again, but now also through its contents 
# In other words: get the sentences 

    ## 1. Create second set which is an rbind of multiple frames 
    ## One two-column data.frame per file 
    ## First column is fileName, second column is data from each file 
    e <- do.call(rbind, lapply(files, function(x) { 
     data.frame(fileName = x, sentence = readLines(x, encoding="UTF-8"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

    ## 2. Clean fileName 
    e$fileName <- sub("^\\.\\/", "", e$fileName, perl=TRUE) 

    ## 3. Get the sentence and clean 
    e$sentence <- gsub(".*?<sentence>(.*?)</sentence>", "\\1", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 
    e$sentence <- tolower(e$sentence) 
     # Remove floating space before/after punctuation 
     e$sentence <- gsub("\\s(?:(?=[.,:;?!) ])|(?<=\\())", "\\1", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 
    # Add space after triple dots ... 
     e$sentence <- gsub("\\.{3}(?=[^\\s])", "... ", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 

    # Transform HTML entities into characters 
    # It is unfortunate that there's no easier way to do this 
    # E.g. Python provides the HTML package which can unescape (decode) HTML 
    # characters 
     e$sentence <- gsub("&apos;", "'", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 
     e$sentence <- gsub("&amp;", "&", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 
     # Avoid R from wrongly interpreting ", so replace by single quotes 
     e$sentence <- gsub("&quot;|\"", "'", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 

     # Get rid of some characters we can't use such as ³ and ¾ 
     e$sentence <- gsub("[^[:graph:]\\s]", "", e$sentence, perl=TRUE) 

# --- 
# STEP 3: 
# Create final dataframe 

    ## 1. Merge d and e by common column name fileName 
    df <- merge(d, e, by="fileName", all=TRUE) 

    ## 2. Make sure that only those sentences in which df$node is present in df$sentence are taken into account 
    matchFunction <- function(x, y) any(x == y) 
    matchedFrame <- with(df, mapply(matchFunction, node, stri_split_regex(sentence, "[ :?.,]"))) 
    df <- df[matchedFrame, ] 

    ## 3. Create leftContext based on the split of the word and the sentence 
    # Use paste0 to make sure we are looking for the node, not a compound 
    # node can only be preceded by a space, but can be followed by punctuation as well 
    contexts <- strsplit(df$sentence, paste0("(^|)", df$node, "(|[!\",.:;?})\\]])"), perl=TRUE) 
    df$leftContext <- sapply(contexts, `[`, 1) 

    ## 4. Get the word preceding the node 
    df$precedingWord <- gsub("^.*\\b(?<!-)(\\w+(?:-\\w+)*)[^\\w]*$","\\1", df$leftContext, perl=TRUE) 

    ## 5. Improve readability by sorting columns 
    df <- df[c("fileName", "component", "precedingWord", "node", "leftContext", "sentence")] 

    ## 6. Write dataset to dataset dir 

# --- 
# STEP 4: 
# Create dataset with frequencies 

    ## 1. Define neuter and nonNeuter classes 
    neuter <- c("het") 
    non.neuter<- c("de") 

    ## 2. Mutate df to fit into usable frame 
    freq <- mutate(df, gender = ifelse(!df$precedingWord %in% c(neuter, non.neuter), "unspecified", 
     ifelse(df$precedingWord %in% neuter, "neuter", "non_neuter"))) 

    ## 3. Transform into table, but still usable as data frame (i.e. matrix) 
    ## Also add column name "node" 
    freqTable <- table(freq$node, freq$gender) %>% 
     as.data.frame.matrix %>% 
     mutate(node = row.names(.)) 

    ## 4. Small adjustements 
    freqTable <- freqTable[,c(4,1:3)] 

    ## 5. Write dataset to dataset dir 

    diff <- Sys.time() - start_time # calculate difference 
    print(diff) # print in nice format 



import os, pandas as pd, numpy as np, regex as re 

from glob import glob 
from datetime import datetime 
from html import unescape 

start_time = datetime.now() 

# Create empty dataframe with correct column names 
columnNames = ["fileName", "component", "precedingWord", "node", "leftContext", "sentence" ] 
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((0,len(columnNames))), columns=columnNames) 

# Create correct path where to fetch files 
subdir = "rawdata" 
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, subdir)) 

# "Cache" regex 
# See http://stackoverflow.com/q/452104/1150683 
p_filename = re.compile(r"[./\\]") 

p_sentence = re.compile(r"<sentence>(.*?)</sentence>") 
p_typography = re.compile(r" (?:(?=[.,:;?!) ])|(?<=\())") 
p_non_graph = re.compile(r"[^\x21-\x7E\s]") 
p_quote = re.compile(r"\"") 
p_ellipsis = re.compile(r"\.{3}(?=[^ ])") 

p_last_word = re.compile(r"^.*\b(?<!-)(\w+(?:-\w+)*)[^\w]*$", re.U) 

# Loop files in folder 
for file in glob(path+"\\*.lst"): 
    with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: 
     [n, c] = p_filename.split(file.lower())[-3:-1] 
     fn = ".".join([n, c]) 
     for line in f: 
      s = p_sentence.search(unescape(line)).group(1) 
      s = s.lower() 
      s = p_typography.sub("", s) 
      s = p_non_graph.sub("", s) 
      s = p_quote.sub("'", s) 
      s = p_ellipsis.sub("... ", s) 

      if n in re.split(r"[ :?.,]", s): 
       lc = re.split(r"(^|)" + n + "(|[!\",.:;?})\]])", s)[0] 

       pw = p_last_word.sub("\\1", lc) 

       df = df.append([dict(fileName=fn, component=c, 
            precedingWord=pw, node=n, 
            leftContext=lc, sentence=s)]) 

# Reset indices 
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) 

# Export dataset 
df.to_csv("dataset/py-dataset.csv", sep="\t", encoding="utf-8") 

# Let's make a frequency list 
# Create new dataframe 

# Define neuter and non_neuter 
neuter = ["het"] 
non_neuter = ["de"] 

# Create crosstab 
df.loc[df.precedingWord.isin(neuter), "gender"] = "neuter" 
df.loc[df.precedingWord.isin(non_neuter), "gender"] = "non_neuter" 
df.loc[df.precedingWord.isin(neuter + non_neuter)==0, "gender"] = "rest" 

freqDf = pd.crosstab(df.node, df.gender) 

freqDf.to_csv("dataset/py-frequencies.csv", sep="\t", encoding="utf-8") 

# How long has the script been running? 
time_difference = datetime.now() - start_time 
print("Time difference of", time_difference) 


我使用四核處理器和8 GB RAM在Windows 10 64位上運行。對於R我使用的是RGUI 64位3.2.2,Python在版本3.4.3(Anaconda)上運行,並在Spyder中執行。請注意,我以32位運行Python,因爲我希望將來使用nltk module,並且阻止用戶使用64位。

我發現R約在55分鐘內完成。但是Python已經運行了兩個小時,並且我可以在變量瀏覽器中看到它只在business.wr-p-p-g.lst(文件按字母順序排序)。 waaaaayyyy慢!

所以我做了一個測試用例,看看兩個腳本如何用一個小得多的數據集執行。我花了大約100個文件(而不是16,500個)並運行腳本。再一次,R要快得多。 R大概在2秒內完成,17中的Python!

看到Python的目標是讓所有事情都變得更加順利,我感到困惑。我讀Python很快(而且R很慢),所以我哪裏出錯了?問題是什麼? Python在閱讀文件和行,或者在執行正則表達式時速度較慢?或者R只是更好地處理數據幀,不能被熊貓打敗? 是我的代碼簡單地嚴重優化,應該Python確實是勝利者?

因此,我的問題是:爲什麼Python在這種情況下比R慢,以及 - 如果可能的話 - 我們如何改進Python來發光?



快速掃描提示您在python循環中打開每個文件的事實:'open(file,encoding =「utf-8」)作爲f'不會像r等價的'e < - do.call(rbind,lapply(files,function(x){...' – jeremycg


)您的R代碼只是針對該語言進行了更加優化,沒有for循環,並且大量使用矢量化操作,內置的函數實際上是用C/Fortran編寫的,你的Python代碼只是非常低效,就是這樣, –


@jeremycg有什麼辦法可以在Python中做類似的事情嗎?例如,將所有文本文件以某種方式縫合在一起? –




df = pandas.DataFrame(...) 
for file in files: 
    for line in file: 
     df = df.append(...) 


pre_df = [] 
for file in files: 
    for line in file: 

df = pandas.DataFrame(pre_df, ...) 


df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(processed_lines_generator, columns=column_names, ...) 





一旦我看過懶惰,我會詳細回答,imap和ifilter(蘋果公司沒有專利,這是嗎?';-)')但是,您的最後一句話中的「簡介」是什麼意思? –


@BramVanroy我的意思是[code prodiling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profiling_(computer_programming))。獲取PyCharm(有免費版)的副本,它內置了許多其他好東西中的分析工具。在分析代碼時,您會發現'DataFrame.append'瓶頸。 –


我一直在嘗試與你提到的一些表達式的運氣,但沒有運氣。我可能會很快加入一些新的問題... –
