我想通過工作簿中的指定工作表循環並指定標籤等。我得到消息「運行時錯誤'9'下標超出範圍下面是我正在使用的代碼.. 。循環指定的工作表
Sub Labels()
Dim intStartRow As Integer
Dim intRowCount As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim WshtNames As Variant
Dim intSheet As Variant
intStartRow = 32
WshtNames = Array("shtAngola", "shtBotswana", "shtMozambique", "shtNamibia", "shtSA", "shtZambia", "shtZimbabwe", "shtEritrea", "shtEthiopia", "shtKenya", "shtRwanda", "shtTanzania", "shtUganda", "shtAlgeria", "shtEgypt", "shtMorocco", "shtTunisia", "shtGhana", "shtIvoryCoast", "shtMauritius", "shtNigeria", "shtSenegal")
For Each intSheet In WshtNames
With Worksheets(intSheet)
For intRowCount = 7 To 21
For intRow = 1 To 3
.Cells(intStartRow, 1) = shtSelections.Cells(intRowCount, 1)
最佳, 亞當
我的猜測將是一個拼寫問題,似乎最有可能受到巨大SHEETNAME陣列做你已判斷。仔細檢查這些拼寫。對於我來說超出範圍的錯誤通常意味着我拼寫錯了,或者我試圖遍歷不存在的列或行號0。 – WouldBeNerd
另外,您應該可能會顯示代碼中'shtSelections'的定義位置。 – WouldBeNerd
同意@WouldBeNerd,但如果這些工作表與您的工作簿不在同一工作簿中,則也會拋出錯誤9,因此請確保「工作表」的父項也已設置。 – Ambie