2017-05-10 85 views

我一直在摸索我的頭一陣子,試圖找到解決方案,我一直沒能找到任何東西在谷歌上搜索相關時,所以經過數小時試圖找到這個問題背後的原因,我試圖尋求幫助在這裏..VB.net - 向datagridview添加一行返回InvalidArgument =值'8797'對'rowIndex'無效



當我看一些的IntelliTrace例外,它說的錯誤是在這行拋出: See image here


DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String() {HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl), anchor_txt, "", "", "", True}) 



System.ArgumentException: InvalidArgument=Værdi '8797' er ugyldig for 'rowIndex'. 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow.GetState(Int32 rowIndex) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.GetRowState(Int32 rowIndex) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.UpdateRowCaches(Int32 rowIndex, DataGridViewRow& dataGridViewRow, Boolean adding) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.OnCollectionChanged_PreNotification(CollectionChangeAction cca, Int32 rowIndex, Int32 rowCount, DataGridViewRow& dataGridViewRow, Boolean changeIsInsertion) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.OnCollectionChanged(CollectionChangeEventArgs e, Int32 rowIndex, Int32 rowCount) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.AddInternal(Boolean newRow, Object[] values) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.Add(Object[] values) 
ved Link_Extractor.Form1.InternalThread2() i C:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Link\Link\Form1.vb:linje 568 

我也收到在「對於每個」行「對象引用未設置爲對象的實例」或NullReferenceException異常。我想這可能是如果單元格(0)是由於某種原因空 - 我會檢查這一點,但仍然沒有解釋第一個。

For Each itm As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows 
    If itm.Cells(0).Value = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl) Then 
      exists = True 
    End If 


System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferencen er ikke indstillet til en forekomst af et objekt. 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.OnCollectionChanged(CollectionChangeEventArgs e, Int32 rowIndex, Int32 rowCount) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.AddInternal(Boolean newRow, Object[] values) 
ved System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.Add(Object[] values) 
ved Link_Extractor.Form1.InternalThread3() i C:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Link\Link\Form1.vb:linje 808 

編輯 這裏的一些代碼,它接收到的html頁面後。

If Not data = "" Then 

        Dim links As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(data, "<a.*?href=[""']?([^'"">\ ]*)[""']?[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/a>") 

        For Each match As Match In links 

         Dim matchUrl As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups(1).Value) 
         Dim anchor As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(StripTags(match.Groups(2).Value)) 

         'Ignore all anchor links 
         If matchUrl.StartsWith("#") Then 
          Continue For 
         End If 
         'Ignore all javascript calls 
         If matchUrl.ToLower.StartsWith("javascript:") Then 
          Continue For 
         End If 
         'Ignore all email links 
         If matchUrl.ToLower.StartsWith("mailto:") Then 
          Continue For 
         End If 
         'Ignore all URLs with @ 
         If matchUrl.ToLower.Contains("@") Then 
          Continue For 
         End If 
         'Ignore all empty domains 
         If matchUrl Is Nothing Then 
          Throw New Exception("Empty matchurl") 
         End If 
         If anchor Is Nothing Then 
          Throw New Exception("Empty anchor text.") 
         End If 
         'For internal links, build the url mapped to the base address 

         If Not matchUrl.StartsWith("http://") And Not matchUrl.StartsWith("https://") Then 

          'Højst sansynligt internt link 
          matchUrl = MapUrl(url, matchUrl) 
           exists = False 
           For Each itm As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows 
            If Not itm.Cells(0) Is Nothing Then 
             If itm.Cells(0).Value = matchUrl Then 
              exists = True 
              Exit For 
             End If 
            End If 
           If DataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0 AndAlso exists = True Then 
            Continue For 
            DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String() {matchUrl, anchor, "", "", "", True}) 
           End If 
          Catch ex As Exception 
          End Try 


          'It's possible that it still can be an internal link, but also external. Compare the baseaddress with the URL to check if it's still the same domain 

          Dim baseaddress As Uri = New Uri(url) 
          Dim s_baseaddress As String = baseaddress.Host.ToString 
          'Check for subdomain and remove 
          If s_baseaddress.ToCharArray().Count(Function(c) c = "."c) >= 2 Then 
           Dim subdomain As String = Split(s_baseaddress, ".").First 
           s_baseaddress = s_baseaddress.Replace(subdomain & ".", "") 
          End If 

          Dim s_url As String = Nothing 
          Dim url2 As Uri = Nothing 
           url2 = New Uri(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl)) 
           s_url = url2.Host.ToString 
           If s_url.ToCharArray().Count(Function(c) c = "."c) >= 2 Then 
            Dim subdomain As String = Split(s_url, ".").First 
            s_url = s_url.Replace(subdomain & ".", "") 
           End If 
          Catch ex As Exception 
           'Invalid URI 
           Continue For 
          End Try 

          If s_baseaddress.Equals(s_url) Then 



            exists = False 
            For Each itm As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows 
             If Not itm.Cells(0) Is Nothing Then 
              If itm.Cells(0).Value = matchUrl Then 
               exists = True 
               Exit For 
              End If 
             End If 
            If DataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0 AndAlso exists = True Then 
             Continue For 
             DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String() {matchUrl, anchor, "", "", "", True}) 
            End If 

           Catch ex As Exception 
           End Try 


           'External link 
           Dim m_url As String = matchUrl 
           m_url = m_url.Replace(" ", "") 

           'Trim url to root to save the time of removing duplicates 
           Dim theUri = Nothing 
            theUri = New Uri(m_url) 
           Catch ex As Exception 
            'Invalid link, go to next 
            Continue For 
           End Try 
           Dim theDomain = theUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) 


            exists = False 
            For Each itm As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView2.Rows 
             If Not itm.Cells(0) Is Nothing Then 
              If itm.Cells(0).Value = theDomain.ToString Then 
               exists = True 
               Exit For 
              End If 
             End If 
            If DataGridView2.Rows.Count > 0 AndAlso exists = True Then 
             Continue For 
             DataGridView2.Rows.Add(New String() {theDomain.ToString, anchor, ""}) 
             e_links_c += 1 
            End If 

           Catch ex As Exception 
           End Try 

          End If 

         End If 


        DataGridView1.Rows(thi3).Cells(2).Value = "OK" 
        DataGridView1.Rows(thi3).Cells(3).Value = e_links_c.ToString 

        DataGridView1.Rows(thi3).Cells(2).Value = "Empty response" 

       End If 



看起來HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl)給你無效的數據。由於你的代碼片段有Continue For,我的假設是你有2個For循環。

  1. 您確定matchUrl有效嗎?
  2. 驗證HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl)值之前添加到行,並在If條件中使用它之前。雖然你驗證了anchor_txt
  3. 代碼片段不顯示TryCatch塊。如果你不使用它,請這樣做。
  4. 在內部使用Exit ForFor循環後,exists = True聲明。
  5. 代碼在兩個不同的實例中評估HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl),並且在內部For循環中對其進行多次評估。在For循環之前將其值賦給一個變量。驗證輸出,然後在For循環中使用此值。

試試下面的代碼: -

    exists = False 
    urlDecode = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl) 'Put a break point on this statement and check the value of matchUrl and HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl) 
    If urlDecode is Nothing Then 
     Throw New Exception("Empty urlDecode.") 
    End If 
    For Each itm As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows 
     If itm.Cells(0).Value = urlDecode Then 
       exists = True 
       Exit For 
     End If 

    If DataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0 AndAlso exists then 
     Continue For 
     Dim anchor_txt As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(StrpTags(match.Groups(2).Value)) 
     If urlDecode is Nothing Then 
      Throw New Exception("Empty anchor text.") 
     End If 
     DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String() {HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl), anchor_txt, "", "", "", True}) 
    End If  
Catch ex As Exception 
     ' Show the exception's message. 
End Try 

我肯定matchurl返回一個正值。是的,每個循環都有2個,主要是檢查html頁面的所有鏈接,第二個檢查datagridview中的重複項。我確實檢查matchurl是否沒有進一步的代碼。我添加了Try catch,並且在添加Exit時發現重複+定義的字符串,因此它不會多次調用httputility htmldecode。 – JDoe


我剛剛運行應用程序的更改,但它仍然返回了兩個錯誤。我在上面添加了更多的代碼,以便您可以更好地理解代碼。 – JDoe


@JDoe,你是否嘗試在'urlDecode = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(matchUrl)'處放置一個斷點。 urlDecode的價值是什麼?這是否正確並且如預期的那樣? –
