var base = 0; //declares a variable of 0. This should refresh when a new user lands on the form page.
function checkPath(fieldNo, path) { //this function should check the current base value of the base variable vs the current fieldNo
if (fieldNo >= path) { //checks to see if base if lower than fieldNo
base = fieldNo; //if true, base is set to current fieldNo
return base;
} else {
return base; //if false, simply returns base.
$('#order_customer_fields_forename').focus(function() { //when the form box is selected should run checkPath then alert result.
checkPath(1, base);
$('#order_customer_fields_surname').focus(function() {
checkPath(2, base);
$('#order_customer_fields_postcode').focus(function() {
checkPath(3, base);
$('#order_customer_fields_address1').focus(function() {
checkPath(4, base);
$('#order_customer_fields_address2').focus(function() {
checkPath(5, base);
$(window).unload(function() {