**set good to false**
**repeat until good = true**
set oneTen to the text returned of (display dialog "Pick a number from 1 through 10" default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1) as number
if oneTen is less than 0 then
display dialog "below" buttons {""} default button 1
else if oneTen is greater than 10 then
display dialog "above" buttons {""} default button 1
set good to true
end if
**end repeat**
**set oneTen to the text returned of (display dialog "Pick a number from 1 through 10" default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1) as number**
**if oneTen is less than 0 or greater than 10 then**
**-- make them do the prompt again**
**end if**
我忘了說。謝謝!! – XQLRSZ