我們正在嘗試實施一個Draft Sight/AutoCad腳本,它將SVG文件轉換爲CAD圖形。Lisp函數失敗,雖然以前工作(Draft Sight,SVG to CAD)
不尋常的部分是,每當Html屬性,如「id =」Box_8_0「」通過attrlis函數發送到findchar函數,腳本失敗,雖然
(defun findchar (FindChar Text)
;current location in string
coord 1
;Init Return Coordinate
ReturnCoord 0
;Length of Searched Item, to enable string searching
FindCharLen (strlen FindChar)
;Nil Count: Requires as regular expressions like (/t) are identified as two times ascii char 9
NilCnt 0
;Storage of last Char Ascii to identify regular expressions
LastCharAsci -1
;iterate the String and break in case of the first occurence
(while (and (<= coord (strlen Text)) (= ReturnCoord 0))
;Current Character
(setq CurChar (substr Text coord FindCharLen))
;Find Searched String
(if (= FindChar CurChar)
(setq ReturnCoord coord)
;Check for regular expression
(if (and (= LastCharAsci 9) (= (ascii CurChar) 9))
(setq NilCnt (+ NilCnt 1))
;Update String position and String
(setq LastCharAsci (ascii CurChar))
(setq coord (+ coord 1))
;return variable
(- ReturnCoord NilCnt)
(defun attrlis (HTMLAttr)
(setq Koordi 0)
(setq CharLoc (findchar "<" HTMLAttr))
(princ HTMLAttr)
(+ Koordi 1)
(defun ReadHTMLItemData(HTMLItem)
coord 1
HTMLItmBgn 1
Attributes 0
CurChar 0
Dictionary 0
;(princ HTMLItem)
(while (<= coord (strlen HTMLItem))
(setq CurChar (substr HTMLItem coord 1))
(if (or (= (ascii CurChar) 32) (= (ascii CurChar) 62))
(if (> (- coord HTMLItmBgn) 0)
(setq htmlattr (substr HTMLItem HTMLItmBgn (- coord HTMLItmBgn)))
(setq Result (attrlis htmlattr))
(princ Result)
(setq HTMLItmBgn (+ coord 1))
(setq coord (+ coord 1))
(defun ReadLineContents(Line)
(if (/= Line nil)
;(princ Line)
Bgn (findchar "<" Line)
End (findchar ">" Line)
ItemDef (substr Line (+ Bgn (strlen "<")) End)
(ReadHTMLItemData ItemDef)
(defun C:ReadSVGData()
(setq SVGFile (open (getfiled "Select a file" "" "svg" 0) "r"))
(setq Line 1)
(while (/= Line nil)
(setq Line (read-line SVGFile))
(ReadLineContents Line)
(close SVGFile)
(princ "Done")
<svg class="boxview" id="boxview" style="width:1198.56px; height:486.8004px; display:block;" viewBox="0 0 1198.56 486.8004">
<g id="BD_box">
<rect class="box" id="Box_8_0" x="109.21" y="394.119" width="58.512" height="62.184" box="4047"></rect>
「腳本失敗」你能更精確一點嗎? –
「腳本失敗」,表示DraftSight完全掛起,除了關閉它之外,沒有其他選項可供使用 – hsc