2012-07-03 122 views


scores <- structure(list(V1 = c(2037651L, 2037659L, 2037677L, 2037685L, 
    2037703L, 2037715L), V2 = c(2037700L, 2037708L, 2037726L, 2037734L, 
    2037752L, 2037764L), V3 = c(1.474269, 1.021012, 1.180993, 1.717131, 
    2.361985, 1.257013)), .Names = c("V1", "V2", "V3"), class = "data.frame", 
    row.names = c(NA, -6L)) 

    V1  V2  V3 
1 2037651 2037700 1.474269 
2 2037659 2037708 1.021012 
3 2037677 2037726 1.180993 
4 2037685 2037734 1.717131 
5 2037703 2037752 2.361985 
6 2037715 2037764 1.257013 


coords <- structure(list(V1 = c(2037652, 2037653, 2037654, 2037655, 2037656, 
2037657, 2037658, 2037659, 2037660, 2037661, 2037662, 2037663, 
2037664, 2037665, 2037666, 2037667, 2037668, 2037669, 2037670, 
2037671)), .Names = "V1", row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = "data.frame") 


for(i in 1:nrow(coord)){ 
    range_scores <- subset(scores, 
          scores$V1 <= coord$V1[i] & scores$V2 >= coord$V1[i]) 
    coord$V2[i] <- mean(range_scores$V3) 




你是指'coords $ V'還是'coords $ V1'? – mnel


我認爲你可能想用cut來創建一個新的專欄,然後是一個分裂樂隊的組合,但很難想象你正在做什麼。 –


我使用您的代碼時得不到相同的輸出。我的解決方案是:'coord $ V2 < - sapply(coord $ V1,function(x)mean(scores [scores [,2]> x&x> scores [,1],3]))''。然後,我讓你顯示輸出,但它的速度慢於你的:-(4倍(當我使用你的for循環中,所有的V2爲1.474269) – GSee




scores = read.table(header=FALSE, 
        text="2037651 2037700 1.474269 
          2037659 2037708 1.021012 
          2037677 2037726 1.180993 
          2037685 2037734 1.717131 
          2037703 2037752 2.361985 
          2037715 2037764 1.257013") 

coord = data.frame(V1=c(2037652, 2037653, 2037654, 2037655, 2037656, 2037657, 
        2037658, 2037659, 2037660, 2037661, 2037662, 2037663, 
        2037664, 2037665, 2037666, 2037667, 2037668, 2037669, 
        2037670, 2037671)) 

coord_vec = coord$V1     # Store as a vector instead of data.frame 
scores_mat = as.matrix(scores)  # Store as a matrix instead of data.frame 
results = numeric(length=nrow(coord)) # Pre-allocate vector to store results. 

for (i in 1:nrow(coord)) { 
    select_rows = ((scores_mat[, 1] <= coord_vec[i]) & 
        (scores_mat[, 2] >= coord_vec[i])) 
    scores_subset = scores_mat[select_rows, 3] # Use logical indexing. 
    results[i] = mean(scores_subset) 
# [1] 1.474269 1.474269 1.474269 1.474269 1.474269 1.474269 1.474269 1.247641 
# [9] 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 
# [17] 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 1.247641 

# Benchmark results using @GSee's code. Needs library(rbenchmark). 
#  test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 
# 4 bdemarest   100 0.046 1.000000  0.046 0.001 
# 2  gsee   100 0.170 3.695652  0.170 0.001 
# 1  orig   100 0.358 7.782609  0.360 0.001 
# 3 sepehr   100 0.163 3.543478  0.164 0.000 

這似乎頗有幾分比其他提案更快。我非常肯定,通過避免讀取或寫入data.frame(高開銷函數)可以獲得優勢。此外,我使用邏輯索引而不是subset()來進一步降低開銷。可能它可以通過使用一個* ply戰略更快?


感謝大家對你的迴應。這些解決方案的工作非常好,我結束了使用bdemarest的解決方案。我真的很感激! – dlv


coord$V2 <- sapply(coord$V1, function(x) mean(scores[scores[, 2] >= x & x >= scores[, 1], 3]))大約快一倍。


scores <- read.table(text="  V1  V2  V3 
1 2037651 2037700 1.474269 
2 2037659 2037708 1.021012 
3 2037677 2037726 1.180993 
4 2037685 2037734 1.717131 
5 2037703 2037752 2.361985 
6 2037715 2037764 1.257013", row.names=1) 

coord <-data.frame(V1=c(2037652, 2037653, 2037654, 2037655, 2037656, 2037657, 2037658, 
      2037659, 2037660, 2037661, 2037662, 2037663, 2037664, 2037665, 
      2037666, 2037667, 2037668, 2037669, 2037670, 2037671)) 


gsee <- function(coord) { 
    coord$V2 <- sapply(coord$V1, function(x) mean(scores[scores[, 2] >= x & x >= scores[, 1], 3])) 

orig <- function(coord) { 
    for(i in 1:NROW(coord)){ 
     range_scores<-subset(scores, scores$V1 <= coord$V1[i] & scores$V2 >= coord$V1[i]); 
identical(gsee(coord), orig(coord)) # TRUE 
benchmark(orig=orig(coord), gsee=gsee(coord)) 

test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child 
2 gsee   100 0.175 1.000000  0.175 0.000   0   0 
1 orig   100 0.379 2.165714  0.377 0.002   0   0 

編輯: lapply每@Sepehr是略好。

sepehr <- function(coord) { 
    coord$V2 <- unlist(lapply(coord$V1, function(x) mean(scores[scores[, 2] >= x & x >= scores[, 1], 3]))) 
benchmark(orig=orig(coord), gsee=gsee(coord), sepehr=sepehr(coord)) 
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child 
2 gsee   100 0.171 1.023952  0.171 0.000   0   0 
1 orig   100 0.369 2.209581  0.369 0.001   0   0 
3 sepehr   100 0.167 1.000000  0.167 0.000   0   0 

有意思。我覺得sapply有一額外的步驟相比lapply和被轉換列表輸出到一個載體,可能導致的差異。謝謝, – Sam