select * from
(select menu_optn_name, tran_nbr, seq_nbr, cntr_nbr, ch.total_qty, ptt.create_date_time,
um.user_name, ch.trlr_nbr, sum(ref_field_2) as Total from prod_trkg_tran ptt
inner join user_master um
on um.emplye_id = ptt.user_id
left outer join carton_hdr ch
on ch.carton_nbr = ptt.cntr_nbr
where (menu_optn_name = 'RF Split/Comb {Carton}' and ptt.cntr_nbr = '0030651942')
group by menu_optn_name, tran_nbr, seq_nbr, cntr_nbr, ch.total_qty, ptt.create_date_time,
um.user_name, ch.trlr_nbr
select aptt.menu_optn_name, aptt.tran_nbr, aptt.seq_nbr, aptt.cntr_nbr, ach.total_qty,
aptt.create_date_time, um.user_name, ach.trlr_nbr, sum(aptt.ref_field_2)
as Total from [email protected]*******.com aptt
inner join user_master um
on um.emplye_id = aptt.user_id
left outer join [email protected]*******.com ach
on ach.carton_nbr = aptt.cntr_nbr
where aptt.cntr_nbr not in
(select aptt.cntr_nbr from [email protected]*******.com aptt
where aptt.menu_optn_name = 'RF Split/Comb {Carton}' and aptt.cntr_nbr = '0030651942')
and aptt.tran_nbr in
(select aptt.tran_nbr from [email protected]*******.com aptt
where aptt.menu_optn_name = 'RF Split/Comb {Carton}' and aptt.cntr_nbr = '0030651942')
group by aptt.menu_optn_name, aptt.tran_nbr, aptt.seq_nbr, aptt.cntr_nbr, ach.total_qty,
aptt.create_date_time, um.user_name, ach.trlr_nbr)
where rownum <=2;
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