的內容只包含一個(在這種情況下URL)類型信息的分層列表。 只好訂閱拖事件類型kUTTypeMessage as String
// See if we can resolve e-mail message meta data
if let mboxPath = pboard.stringForType("com.apple.mail.PasteboardTypeMessageTransfer") {
if let automatorPlist = pboard.propertyListForType("com.apple.mail.PasteboardTypeAutomator") {
// Get the latest e-mail in the thread
if let maxID = (automatorPlist.allObjects.flatMap({ $0["id"]! }) as AnyObject).valueForKeyPath("@max.self") as? Int {
// Read its meta data in the background
let emailItem = draggingEmailItem
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
// Find the e-mail file
if let path = Util.findEmlById(searchPath: mboxPath, id: maxID) {
// Read its contents
emailItem.properties = Util.metaDataFromEml(path)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
// Update UI
的Util funcs中:
/* Searches the given path for <id>.eml[x] and returns its URL if found
static func findEmlById(searchPath searchPath: String, id: Int)-> NSURL? {
let enumerator = NSFileManager.defaultManager().enumeratorAtPath(searchPath)
while let element = enumerator?.nextObject() as? NSString {
switch (element.lastPathComponent, element.pathExtension) {
case (let lpc, "emlx") where lpc.hasPrefix("\(id)"):
return NSURL(fileURLWithPath: searchPath).URLByAppendingPathComponent(element as String)!
case (let lpc, "eml") where lpc.hasPrefix("\(id)"):
return NSURL(fileURLWithPath: searchPath).URLByAppendingPathComponent(element as String)!
return nil
/* Reads an eml[x] file and parses it, looking for e-mail meta data
static func metaDataFromEml(path: NSURL)-> Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
// TODO Support more fields
var properties: Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = [:]
do {
let emlxContent = try String(contentsOfURL: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
// Parse message ID from "...\nMessage-ID: <...>"
let messageIdStrMatches = emlxContent.regexMatches("[\\n\\r].*Message-ID:\\s*<([^\n\r]*)>")
if !messageIdStrMatches.isEmpty {
properties["messageId"] = messageIdStrMatches[0] as String
catch {
print("ERROR: Failed to open emlx file")
return properties