2012-06-14 79 views


<!---checks frequency for form schedule and sets datepart. RecordType_Frequency is a column in database daily, weekly, monthly etc.---> 

<CFSWITCH expression="#RecordType_Frequency#"> 
    <CFCASE value="Daily"> 
     <CFSET datepart = "d"> 
    <CFCASE value="Weekly"> 
     <CFSET datepart = "ww"> 
    <CFCASE value="Monthly"> 
     <CFSET datepart = "m"> 
    <CFCASE value="Quarterly"> 
     <CFSET datepart = "q"> 
    <CFCASE value="Yearly"> 
     <CFSET datepart = "yyyy"> 

<!---setting dates based on database values for when the form should schedule---> 

<!---enddate Uses the RecordType_Frequency_StartDate column from the database which is a date in the past. Coefficient is a stored db value for the frequency 1,2 etc. for could scheduled every 1 year, 2 year ---> 

<cfset enddate = datediff(datepart,RecordType_Frequency_StartDate,todaydate) + Coefficient> 

<!---start date is set to current RecordType_Frequency_StartDate which is a column value from the database---> 

<cfset startdate = RecordType_Frequency_StartDate> 

<!---sets the next start date for when the for should schedule based on historic db start date---> 

<cfset new_date = dateformat(DateADD(datepart,Coefficient,startdate),'MM-DD-YYYY')> 

<cfloop from="1" to="#enddate#" index="i"> 

    <cfset new_date = dateformat(DateADD(datepart,Coefficient,startdate),'MM-DD-YYYY')> 

    <cfset startdate = new_date> 

    <cfset diff = datediff(datepart,RecordType_Frequency_StartDate,startdate)> 

    <cfif (startdate GT todaydate)> 

     <cfset next_date= startdate> 


    <!---I need this output to equal the next date value that would fall based on the schedule, future date. I am seeing multiple dates and need to figure out how to capture would weould truly be the next scheduled date---> 

    Next Date = #diff# - #dateformat(next_date)#<br /> 







我討厭這樣說,但這可能不夠清楚,無法爲您得到答案......也許您可以將其削減爲具有實際值的單個用例...顯示答案*應該是什麼。我有點迷失在上面的代碼 - 不知道是什麼值應該是 - 你知道我是什麼意思? –


看來你真正需要的唯一線是'new_date = dateformat(DateADD(datepart,Coefficient,startdate),'MM-DD-YYYY')' - 我不太確定剩下的代碼的目的是什麼(除了開關)。我同意馬克 - 也許你可以張貼一些真正的價值,並嘗試來形容你要完成好一點什麼。 –





例如,如果你想下一個工作日使用:dateadd("w", 1, now())