2012-06-29 60 views

我知道每個人都討厭與goto有關的任何問題的人,但這是我的問題: 我是一個絕對的初學者,所以我正在做一些小小的練習程序,我的11歲哥哥提出了這個想法。這裏有一個程序,你可以選擇一個項目,它會從一個賬戶中獲得資金。跳轉到Python中的代碼段?

#!/usr/bin/env python 
Acc = 30 
print("$1 products: Pepsi, Water, Coke, Sprite") 
print("$2 products: Chips, Cookies, Skittles, Twix") 
print("$3 products: Amp, Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar") 
L1 = ('Pepsi', 'Water', 'Coke', 'Sprite') 
L2 = ('Chips', 'Cookies', 'Skittles', 'Twix') 
L3 = ('Amp', 'Monster', 'Red Bull', 'Rockstar') 
sel = raw_input("Please enter a product: ") 
if sel in L1: 
    print("$1 has been removed from your account.") 
    Acc = Acc-1 
    print("You now have $") (Acc), ("left in your account") 
if sel in L2: 
    print("$2 has been removed from your account.") 
    Acc = Acc-2 
    print("You now have $") (Acc), ("left in your account") 
if sel in L3: 
    print("$3 has been removed from your account.") 
    Acc = Acc-3 
    print("You now have $"), (Acc), ("left in your account") 



喜鍵入的所有項目兩次,請在下一次把你的代碼,直接進入正題,並使用「{}」按鈕格式化吧:) 。 – Zenon




foo = 42 
# … other setup … 
while True: 
    sel = raw_input(…) 
    if sel == "foo": 
    # … etc … 


#!/usr/bin/env python 
Acc = 30 
print("$1 products: Pepsi, Water, Coke, Sprite") 
print("$2 products: Chips, Cookies, Skittles, Twix") 
print("$3 products: Amp, Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar") 
L1 = ('Pepsi', 'Water', 'Coke', 'Sprite') 
L2 = ('Chips', 'Cookies', 'Skittles', 'Twix') 
L3 = ('Amp', 'Monster', 'Red Bull', 'Rockstar') 
while True: 
    sel = raw_input("Please enter a product: ") 
    if sel == 'exit': 
    if sel in L1: 
     print("$1 has been removed from your account.") 
     Acc = Acc-1 
     print("You now have $") (Acc), ("left in your account") 
    if sel in L2: 
     print("$2 has been removed from your account.") 
     Acc = Acc-2 
     print("You now have $") (Acc), ("left in your account") 
    if sel in L3: 
     print("$3 has been removed from your account.") 
     Acc = Acc-3 
     print("You now have $"), (Acc), ("left in your account") 

好,新的問題。我希望布爾值在acc = 0時變爲false。這樣做有多難?對不起,我還在學習。 – Reece


@Reece,'而Acc> = 0:' –



#!/usr/bin/env python 
Acc = 30 
print("$1 products: Pepsi, Water, Coke, Sprite") 
print("$2 products: Chips, Cookies, Skittles, Twix") 
print("$3 products: Amp, Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar") 
L1 = ('Pepsi', 'Water', 'Coke', 'Sprite') 
L2 = ('Chips', 'Cookies', 'Skittles', 'Twix') 
L3 = ('Amp', 'Monster', 'Red Bull', 'Rockstar') 
while True: 
    sel = raw_input("Please enter a product: ") 
    if sel in L1: 
     print("$1 has been removed from your account.") 
     Acc = Acc-1 
     print("You now have $") (Acc), ("left in your account") 
    elif sel in L2: 
     print("$2 has been removed from your account.") 
     Acc = Acc-2 
     print("You now have $") (Acc), ("left in your account") 
    elif sel in L3: 
     print("$3 has been removed from your account.") 
     Acc = Acc-3 
     print("You now have $"), (Acc), ("left in your account") 
    elif sel == "exit": 

雖然這本身沒有什麼不對,但我建議遠離'break'語句。相反,分配'select = True'並在'select'和'if sel =='exit'時執行':select = False' – inspectorG4dget


另一方面,我完全支持使用'break'來突破'while'循環。我一直都是這樣編寫代碼的,而'True':'break'結合起來是Python中常見的習慣用法。 – steveha



L1 = ('Pepsi', 'Water', 'Coke', 'Sprite') 
L2 = ('Chips', 'Cookies', 'Skittles', 'Twix') 
L3 = ('Amp', 'Monster', 'Red Bull', 'Rockstar') 
print("$1 products:", ", ".join(L1)) 
print("$2 products:", ", ".join(L2)) 
print("$3 products:", ", ".join(L3))