import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class Checkers extends JApplet
private final int MAX_SIZE = 8;
private final int APP_WIDTH = 400;
private final int APP_HEIGHT = 400;
private final int MAXSIZE = 8;
Square[][] sq;
public void paint(Graphics page)
fillBoard(page); // draws the method that will draw the checkers
placeCheckers(page, 7, Color.red); //method to place the red checkers
placeCheckers(page, 9, Color.black); //method to draw black checkers
CheckJumps(page); //check if checkers can jump
public void fillBoard(Graphics page)
sq = new Square[8][8];
int x,y;
Color rb;
for (int row = 0; row < MAXSIZE; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < MAXSIZE; col++)
x = row * (APP_WIDTH/MAXSIZE);
if ((row % 2) == (col % 2))
rb = Color.red;
rb = Color.black;
sq[row][col] = new Square (x, y, rb);
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
public void placeCheckers (Graphics page, int num_checkers, Color ncolor)
int count, row, col;
int x, y;
Circle c;
Random rand = new Random();
for (count = 0; count < num_checkers; count++)
row = rand.nextInt(8);
col = rand.nextInt(8);
} while (sq[row][col].getOccupy() || ncolor == sq[row][col].getColor());
x = row * (APP_WIDTH/MAXSIZE);
c = new Circle (x, y, 50, ncolor);
class Square
private int x, y = 0;
private Color c;
private boolean occupied;
public Square (int x, int y, Color c)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.c = c;
public void setX (int x)
x = this.x;
public int getX()
return x;
public void setY (int y)
y= this.y;
public int getY()
return y;
public void setColor (Color c)
c = this.c;
public Color getColor()
return c;
public void setOccupy (boolean occupied)
occupied = this.occupied;
public boolean getOccupy()
return occupied;
public String toString()
return ("X coordinate: " + x + "\nY coordinate:" + y + "\nSquare color: " + c);
public void draw (Graphics page)
page.fillRect(x, y, 50, 50);
class Circle
private int x,y;
private int diameter;
private Color c;
public Circle (int x, int y, int diameter, Color c)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.diameter = diameter;
this.c = c;
public void setX (int x)
x = this.x;
public int getX()
return x;
public void setY (int y)
y= this.y;
public int getY()
return y;
public void setColor (Color c)
c = this.c;
public Color getColor()
return c;
public void setDiameter (int x)
diameter = x;
public void draw (Graphics page)
page.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);
有一個讀不要從任何paint方法中調用的setSize ... – MadProgrammer
我註釋掉的setSize,但問題仍然存在。 –
它不會解決手頭的問題,但會解決消耗CPU的提示性衝突的問題。 – MadProgrammer