2013-01-20 125 views

嘗試訪問實體框架的單元測試函數。所以我試圖把所有的實體代碼放到下面的測試函數中?然而它停止在Linq聲明中;顯然試圖訪問數據庫對它來說太過戲劇化了。也許一個解決方法是在基於sql lite或compact的單元測試函數中創建一個副本數據庫(反正它不是一個大的數據庫),那麼執行不必離開測試函數?這是可能的,我將如何實現它?訪問實體數據庫的單元測試函數

public void RetreiveKeyFnTest() 
     StegApp target = new StegApp(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value 
     string username = "david"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value 
     string password = "david1"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value 
     string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseEntities"].ToString(); 
     var dataContext = new DatabaseEntities(ConnectionString); 
     var user = dataContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username.Equals(username) && u.Password.Equals(password)); 

     //target.RetreiveKeyFn(username, password); 
     //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); 


public void RetreiveKeyFn(string username, string password) 

     BusinessObjects.User p = RetreiveLogs.AuthenitcateCredentials(username,password); 
     if (p != null) 
      if (RetreiveLogs.RetreiveMessages(p.UserId) == null) 
       DisplayLogs.Text = "Sorry No messages for you recorded in Database, your correspondant might have chose not to record the entry"; 
       MessageBox.Show("LogId = " + RetreiveLogs.RetreiveMessages(p.UserId).LogId + "\n" + 
       "UserId = " + RetreiveLogs.RetreiveMessages(p.UserId).UserId + "\n" + 
       "Message Key = " + RetreiveLogs.RetreiveMessages(p.UserId).MessageKey + "\n" + "PictureId = " + RetreiveLogs.RetreiveMessages(p.UserId).PictureId + 
       " Date & time = " + RetreiveLogs.RetreiveMessages(p.UserId).SentDateTime); 
       DisplayLogs.Visible = true; 
      MessageBox.Show("Please enter your correct username and password in order to retreive either key, image or both from Databse"); 


如果停在Linq聲明中,它與'Drama'無關,它與你編碼的可能性有關。你可以提供一個正在拋出的異常,如果有的話......?當你調試這個代碼時'ConnectionString'的值是什麼? – MethodMan


例如,不應該在'dataContext.Connection.Open()'上調用Open方法..連接字符串在配置文件中看起來像什麼..? – MethodMan


請讓我知道,你想測試什麼和平(單位)的代碼? –



我得到了我的單元測試,以做工精細的例子。我所犯的錯誤不是將app.config文件複製到測試項目中!儘管說實話,我預計Visual Studio會做到這一點。





public class StegApp 

     public DatabaseEntities context; 
     //other properties 

     public StegApp() 
      //assuming your DatabaseEntities class inherits from DbContext. 
      //You should create other constructors that allow you to set options 
      //like lazy loading and mappings 
      this.context = new DatabaseEntities(); 

     //ASSUMING YOUR RetrieveLogs.RetrieveMessages() function returns 
     //a Message object. replace this type with whatever type the 
     //RetrieveLogs.RetrieveMessages() method returns. 
     public Message RetrieveKeyFn (string username, string password) 

      BusinessObjects.User p = RetreiveLogs.AuthenitcateCredentials(username,password); 
      if (p != null) 
       var message = RetrieveLogs.RetrieveMessages(p.UserId); 
       if (message == null) 
        // handle behavior for no messages. In this case 
        // I will just create a new Message object with a -1 LogId 
        return new Message {LogId =-1}; 
        return message; 
       //handle behavior when the user is not authenticated. 
       //In this case I throw an exception 
       throw new Exception(); 


    //on your button click handler, do something like: 
    // try 
    // { 
    //  var message = RetrieveKeyFn(txtUsername.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Text.Trim()); 
    //  if (message.LogId == -1) 
    //   DisplayLogs.Text = "Sorry No messages for you recorded in Database, your correspondant might have chose not to record the entry"; 
    //  else 
    //  { 
    //   MessageBox.Show("Log Id = " + message.LogId) 
    //   etc. etc. etc. 
    //  } 
    // } 
    // catch 
    // { 
    //  MessageBox.Show ("user is not authenticated"); 
    // } 




    public void RetrieveKeyFnTest1() 
     StegApp target = new StegApp(); // this creates your context. I'm assuming it also creates your RetrieveLogs object, etc 
     var username = "UserWithNotMessages"; //this user should exist in your database but should not have any messages. You could insert this user as part of your TestInitialize method 
     var password = "UserWithNotMessagesPassword"; //this should be the proper password 
     var message = target.RetrieveKeyFn(username, password); 
     Assert.AreEqual (-1, message.LogId); 

我做了類似的事情,雖然我發現我不得不直接在測試函數中實現連接字符串,並且實例化了DatabaseEntites的一個對象。我發現我無法儘快致電authenicateCredentials,但我必須直接寫Ling語句。這是一種適用的方法嗎? – David


你不能調用你的RetrieveLogs.AuthenticateCredentials公共嗎? StegApp是否有一個RetrieveLogs類型的公共屬性?這是事情,如果你正在做單元測試,你通常應該只調用一種方法來測試。在這種情況下,您不應直接調用RetrieveLogs.AuthenticateCredentials。相反,你只應該調用RetrieveKeyFn。在RetrieveKeyFn中,RetrieveLogs.AuthenticateCredentials將作爲您的行爲的一部分被調用。另一方面,您應該編寫另一個單元測試,僅檢查AuthenticateCredentials方法。 –