2014-11-15 65 views

我在康威的生活遊戲中遇到了麻煩(如果你不熟悉它,這裏是一個解釋它並指向頂端的鏈接是規則http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life)。我正在使用gridworld,當我運行代碼時,它會生成網格並更改其狀態。這一切看起來好像是正常工作。然而,應該死亡/活着的細胞不會。相反,看似隨機的細胞分類會改變它們的狀態。我無法弄清楚這個問題。我已經檢查過,以確保找到了正確的鄰居數量,if語句正常工作,並且如果我正在比較正確的事情。所有這些似乎都奏效,但我看到了意想不到的結果。請幫我解決這個問題。提前致謝。 PS。請忽略註釋掉的代碼。他們是測試/失敗的嘗試,使其工作。 這裏是我的代碼:conways生活中的遊戲無法正常工作

import info.gridworld.actor.Actor; 
import info.gridworld.actor.ActorWorld; 
import info.gridworld.actor.Rock; 
import info.gridworld.grid.Grid; 
import info.gridworld.grid.BoundedGrid; 
import info.gridworld.grid.Location; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 

* Game of Life starter code. Demonstrates how to create and populate the game using the GridWorld framework. 
* Also demonstrates how to provide accessor methods to make the class testable by unit tests. 
* @author @ 
* @version 14 Nov 2014 
public class GameOfLife 

    // the world comprised of the grid that displays the graphics for the game 
private static ActorWorld world; 

// the game board will have 10 rows and 10 columns 
private final int ROWS = 10; 
private final int COLS = 10; 

// constants for the location of the three cells initially alive 
private final int X1 = 0, Y1 = 0; 
private final int X2 = 0, Y2 = 4; 
private final int X3 = 0, Y3 = 5; 
private final int X4 = 0, Y4 = 9; 
private final int X5 = 1, Y5 = 0; 
private final int X6 = 1, Y6 = 5; 
private final int X7 = 1, Y7 = 9; 
private final int X8 = 2, Y8 = 0; 
private final int X9 = 2, Y9 = 9; 
private final int X10 = 4, Y10 = 0; 
private final int X11 = 4, Y11 = 1; 
private final int X12 = 4, Y12 = 4; 
private final int X13 = 4, Y13 = 5; 
private final int X14 = 4, Y14 = 9; 
private final int X15 = 5, Y15 = 0; 
private final int X16 = 5, Y16 = 4; 
private final int X17 = 5, Y17 = 5; 
private final int X18 = 5, Y18 = 8; 
private final int X19 = 5, Y19 = 9; 
private final int X20 = 7, Y20 = 0; 
private final int X21 = 7, Y21 = 9; 
private final int X22 = 8, Y22 = 0; 
private final int X23 = 8, Y23 = 4; 
private final int X24 = 8, Y24 = 9; 
private final int X25 = 9, Y25 = 0; 
private final int X26 = 9, Y26 = 4; 
private final int X27 = 9, Y27 = 5; 
private final int X28 = 9, Y28 = 9; 

* Default constructor for objects of class GameOfLife 
* @post the game will be initialized and populated with the initial state of cells 
public GameOfLife() 
    // create the grid, of the specified size, that contains Actors 

    BoundedGrid<Actor> grid = new BoundedGrid<Actor>(ROWS, COLS); 

    // create a world based on the grid 
    world = new ActorWorld(grid); 

    // populate the game 

    // display the newly constructed and populated world 


* Creates the actors and inserts them into their initial starting positions in the grid 
* @pre  the grid has been created 
* @post all actors that comprise the initial state of the game have been added to the grid 
public void populateGame() 
    // the grid of Actors that maintains the state of the game 
    // (alive cells contains actors; dead cells do not) 
    Grid<Actor> grid = world.getGrid(); 

    // create and add rocks (a type of Actor) to the three intial locations 
    Rock rock1 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc1 = new Location(X1, Y1); 
    grid.put(loc1, rock1); 

    Rock rock2 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc2 = new Location(X2, Y2); 
    grid.put(loc2, rock2); 

    Rock rock3 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc3 = new Location(X3, Y3); 
    grid.put(loc3, rock3); 

    Rock rock4 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc4 = new Location(X4, Y4); 
    grid.put(loc4, rock4); 

    Rock rock5 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc5 = new Location(X5, Y5); 
    grid.put(loc5, rock5); 

    Rock rock6 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc6 = new Location(X6, Y6); 
    grid.put(loc6, rock6); 

    Rock rock7 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc7 = new Location(X7, Y7); 
    grid.put(loc7, rock7); 

    Rock rock8 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc8 = new Location(X8, Y8); 
    grid.put(loc8, rock8); 

    Rock rock9 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc9 = new Location(X9, Y9); 
    grid.put(loc9, rock9); 

    Rock rock10 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc10 = new Location(X10, Y10); 
    grid.put(loc10, rock10); 

    Rock rock11 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc11 = new Location(X11, Y11); 
    grid.put(loc11, rock11); 

    Rock rock12 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc12 = new Location(X12, Y12); 
    grid.put(loc12, rock12); 

    Rock rock13 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc13 = new Location(X13, Y13); 
    grid.put(loc13, rock13); 

    Rock rock14 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc14 = new Location(X14, Y14); 
    grid.put(loc14, rock14); 

    Rock rock15 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc15 = new Location(X15, Y15); 
    grid.put(loc15, rock15); 

    Rock rock16 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc16 = new Location(X16, Y16); 
    grid.put(loc16, rock16); 

    Rock rock17 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc17 = new Location(X17, Y17); 
    grid.put(loc17, rock17); 

    Rock rock18 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc18 = new Location(X18, Y18); 
    grid.put(loc18, rock18); 

    Rock rock19 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc19 = new Location(X19, Y19); 
    grid.put(loc19, rock19); 

    Rock rock20 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc20 = new Location(X20, Y20); 
    grid.put(loc20, rock20); 

    Rock rock21 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc21 = new Location(X21, Y21); 
    grid.put(loc21, rock21); 

    Rock rock22 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc22 = new Location(X22, Y22); 
    grid.put(loc22, rock22); 

    Rock rock23 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc23 = new Location(X23, Y23); 
    grid.put(loc23, rock23); 

    Rock rock24 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc24 = new Location(X24, Y24); 
    grid.put(loc24, rock24); 

    Rock rock25 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc25 = new Location(X25, Y25); 
    grid.put(loc25, rock25); 

    Rock rock26 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc26 = new Location(X26, Y26); 
    grid.put(loc26, rock26); 

    Rock rock27 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc27 = new Location(X27, Y27); 
    grid.put(loc27, rock27); 

    Rock rock28 = new Rock(); 
    Location loc28 = new Location(X28, Y28); 
    grid.put(loc28, rock28); 
    //Grid<Actor> grid2 = world.getGrid(); 
    // Location test = new Location(0, 0); 
    // System.out.println(grid2.getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(test).size()); 
    // if (grid2.getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(test).size()<2) 
    // {System.out.print("dfghjkl");} 

* Generates the next generation based on the rules of the Game of Life and updates the grid 
* associated with the world 
* @pre  the game has been initialized 
* @post the world has been populated with a new grid containing the next generation 
public void createNextGeneration() 
    /** You will need to read the documentation for the World, Grid, and Location classes 
    *  in order to implement the Game of Life algorithm and leverage the GridWorld framework. 

    // create the grid, of the specified size, that contains Actors 
    Grid<Actor> grid = world.getGrid(); 
    BoundedGrid<Actor> newGrid= new BoundedGrid<Actor>(10,10); 
    Rock rock = new Rock(); 
    // insert magic here... 
    //ArrayList<Location> put = new ArrayList<Location>(); 
    //ArrayList<Location> remove = new ArrayList<Location>(); 

    for (int row = 0; row<=9; row++) 
     for (int col = 0; col<=9; col++) 
      //int index = row+col; 
      Location loc = new Location(row, col); 
      //Location test = new Location(0, 0); 
      if (getActor(row, col) != null) 
       if (grid.getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(loc).size()<2 || grid.getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(loc).size()>3) 
        //remove.add(new Location(row, col)); 
        //remove[index] = new Location(row, col); 
        // System.out.println(loc); 
       else if(grid.getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(loc).size()==2 || 
        //remove.add(new Location(row, col)); 
        //remove[index] = new Location(row, col); 
        grid.put(loc, rock); 
       if (grid.getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(loc).size()==3) 
         // put.add(new Location(row, col)); 
         //put[index] = new Location(row, col); 
         grid.put(loc, rock); 


    for (int i = 1; i<=put.size() && i<=remove.size(); i++) 
     Location[] putLoc = put.toArray(new Location[put.size()]); 
     Location[] removeLoc = put.toArray(new Location[remove.size()]); 
     if (i<=put.size()) 
      grid.put(putLoc[i], rock);     
     if (i<=remove.size()) 

* Returns the actor at the specified row and column. Intended to be used for unit testing. 
* @param row the row (zero-based index) of the actor to return 
* @param col the column (zero-based index) of the actor to return 
* @pre  the grid has been created 
* @return the actor at the specified row and column 
public Actor getActor(int row, int col) 
    Location loc = new Location(row, col); 
    Actor actor = world.getGrid().get(loc); 
    return actor; 

* Returns the number of rows in the game board 
* @return the number of rows in the game board 
public int getNumRows() 
    return ROWS; 

* Returns the number of columns in the game board 
* @return the number of columns in the game board 
public int getNumCols() 
    return COLS; 

* Creates an instance of this class. Provides convenient execution. 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    throws InterruptedException 
    GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(); 

    for (int i = 0; i<=19; i++) 




