`timescale 1ns/1ns
module fulladder(a, b, c, s, cout); //one bit fulladder
//the wires
wire w1, w2, w3, w4, s, cout;
input a, b, c;
output s, cout;
reg [0 : 0] s,cout; //register with one bit
//exclusive or gate with 1 ns delay
xor #1
g1(w1, a, b),
g2(s, w1, c);
//and gate with 1 ns delay
and #1
g3(w2, c, b),
g4(w3, c, a),
g5(w4, a, b);
//or gate with 1 ns delay
or #1
g6(cout, w2, w3, w4);
//16bit carry look ahead
module sixteen_bit_carry_lookahead(a, b, c, s, cout);
input [15:0] a,
input [15:0] b,
input c, //Carry in
output [15:0] s, //Sum
output cout //Carry
wire [3:1] carry, [3:0] p, [3:0] g, [3:1] carry;
fulladder f0(.a(a[0]), .b(b[0]), .c(c),.s(s[0]),.cout(),.g(g[0]),.p([0]));
fulladder f1(.a(a[1]),.b(b[1]),.c(carry[1]),.s(s[1]),.cout(),.g(g[1]),.p([1]));
fulladder f2(.a(a[2]), .b(b[2]), .c(carry[2]), .s(s[2]), .cout(), .g(g[2]),.p([2]));
fulladder f3(.a(a[3]), .b(b[3]), .c(carry[3]), .s(s[3]), .cout(), .g(g[3]), .p([3]));
fulladder f4(.a(a[4]), .b(b[4]), .c(carry[4]), .s(s[4]), .cout(), .g(g[4]), .p([4]));
fulladder f5(.a(a[5]), .b(b[5]), .c(carry[5]), .s(s[5]), .cout(), .g(g[5]), .p([5]));
fulladder f6(.a(a[6]), .b(b[6]), .c(carry[6]), .s(s[6]), .cout(), .g(g[6]), .p([6]));
fulladder f7(.a(a[7]), .b(b[7]), .c(carry[7]), .s(s[7]), .cout(), .g(g[7]), .p([7]));
fulladder f8(.a(a[8]), .b(b[8]), .c(carry[8]), .s(s[8]), .cout(), .g(g[8]), .p([8]));
fulladder f9(.a(a[9]), .b(b[9]), .c(carry[9]), .s(s[9]), .cout(), .g(g[9]), .p([9]));
. //goes all the way to 16 bit
fulladder f15(.a(a[15]),.b(b[15]),.c(carry[15]),.s(s[15]),.cout(),.g(g[15),.p([15]));
//the carry look ahead adder with inputs and outputs
module carry_lookahead(.p, .g, .c, .cout);
input .p(p); //input [15:0]
input .g(g); //input [15:0]
output .c(carry); //output [15:1]
output .cout (cout); //output
這看起來像一個有效普通多位加法器給我。但是,這裏不需要普通的加法器。 –
快不是這個代碼。這位教授還說,用部分的眼瞼而不是眼瞼。使用fulladders進行16位進位向前加法器有什麼問題? – cyberspace009
您不需要(或有時間)傳播進行預覽塊。 –