2015-12-04 57 views

我開始瞭解更多關於Java的知識,我正在嘗試編寫一個帶有用戶輸入的小費計算器,並顯示小費佔總數的10%和20% 。我收到了一個無法解析的「無法對非靜態方法進行靜態引用」錯誤。Java基本面向對象的小費計算器


public class Gratuity{ 

private double total = 0; 
private double grat1 = 0; 
private double grat2 = 0; 

public Gratuity(float value){ 
    total = value; 

start getters and setters 
public double getTotal() { 
    return total; 

//method to do the calculations 
public void calcGrat(){ 
    grat1 = total * .10; 
    grat2 = total * .20; 
    public double getGrat1(){ 
    return grat1; 


import java.util.InputMismatchException; 
import java.util.Scanner; //import package to use the scanner input function 

//TestGrat main class contains method 
public class TestGrat { 

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

    //method to prompt user for total, double is total 
    public void askForInput(){ 

     System.out.println("Enter the total amount of your bill"); 
     total = keyboard.nextDouble(); 
    catch(InputMismatchException e){ 
    System.err.printf("Error, please try again. Program will now close"); 

    public Scanner getKeyboard() { 
     return keyboard; 
    public void setKeyboard(Scanner keyboard) { 
     this.keyboard = keyboard; 

//main method 
public static void main(String[] args){ 

// asks for input in float form  

float value = askForInput(); 

//Creating the gratCalc object and storing value as a float (total)  
Gratuity gratCalc = new Gratuity(value); 

// get the total value and set as float 
float tot = (float)gratCalc.getTotal(); 

// converting the float value into string 
System.out.println("You have entered: " + Float.toString(tot)); 
gratCalc.calcGrat(); //sets grat 

// Displaying the options to user 
System.out.println("Below are the tips for %10 as well as %20 "); 

//getting the value and then displaying to user with toString  
float getNum = (float) gratCalc.getGrat1(); 
float getNum1 = (float) gratCalc.getGrat2(); 

// using the value of getNum as float to put into toString 
System.out.println("For %10: " + Float.toString(getNum)); 
System.out.println(" For %20: " + Float.toString(getNum1)); 




錯誤是哪一行?這會有很大的幫助。 –


我的原始錯誤是在第36行float value = askForInput();執行一些回覆後,第15行出現新的錯誤(無法解析爲變量) –




TestGrat test = new TestGrat(); 
float value = test.askForInput(); 



謝謝!它仍然沒有看到第15行作爲變量,但是這固定了我原來的錯誤。 –