Document doc = new Document("add your text here! It can contain multiple sentences.");
for (Sentence sent : doc.sentences()) { // Will iterate over two sentences
// We're only asking for words -- no need to load any models yet
System.out.println("The second word of the sentence '" + sent + "' is " + sent.word(1));
// When we ask for the lemma, it will load and run the part of speech tagger
System.out.println("The third lemma of the sentence '" + sent + "' is " + sent.lemma(2));
// When we ask for the parse, it will load and run the parser
System.out.println("The parse of the sentence '" + sent + "' is " + sent.parse());
// ...
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArrayCoreMap.keySetNotNull()Ljava/util/Set; at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProtoBuilder(ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.java:377) at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProtoBuilder(ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.java:332) at edu.stanford.nlp.simple.Document.sentences(Document.java:480) at edu.stanford.nlp.simple.Document.sentences(Document.java:499)
我剛剛用2.6.1試過,仍然出現同樣的錯誤 – webber
也許試試清除你的本地maven緩存? –
你的例子說的是「2.6.0」而不是「2.6.1」......同樣重要的是你使用2.6.1,並確保沒有別的東西拉動protobuf的不同版本,因爲它不會與其他版本一起工作。 .. @ gabor順便說一句我用2.5回去試了一下,我認爲它失敗了,所以我認爲它的關鍵是使用2.6.1,不積極,雖然... – StanfordNLPHelp