2011-11-15 29 views

我正在使用Isotopeinfinitescroll將圖像加載到圖像庫中。在搜索完成後,我使用Quicksearch添加了搜索功能來過濾圖像並重新佈局同位素。如果我在搜索之前應用infinitescroll,它可以完美地工作,但是如果我先搜索然後嘗試應用infinitescroll,那麼它會顯示加載圖標等,但不會加載圖像。這裏是我的代碼:執行搜索功能後,jQuery Isotope中的Infinitescroll失敗

// ======================= Isotope =============================== 

var $container = $('#container'); 

     itemSelector : '.item', 
     masonry : { 
     columnWidth : 130 


// ======================= search ===============================  

$('input#discussion-search').quicksearch('#container .item', { 
    'show': function() { 
    'hide': function() { 
}).live("keyup", function(){ 
    setTimeout(function() { 
     $container.isotope({ filter: '.quicksearch-match' }); 
    }, 100); 


// ======================= Infinite Scroll =============================== 

navSelector : 'a#nav', // selector for the paged navigation 
nextSelector : 'a#nav', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2) 
itemSelector : '.item',  // selector for all items you'll retrieve 
loading: { 
finishedMsg: 'No more Images to load.', 
img: 'res/icons/load.gif', 
msgText: "<em>Loading Images...</em>" 
behavior : 'twitter', 
errorCallback: function() { 
    // fade out the error message after 2 seconds 
    $('#infscr-loading').animate({opacity: 0.8},2000).fadeOut('normal'); 
// call Isotope as a callback 
function(newElements) { 
    $container.isotope('insert', $(newElements)); 

// call this whenever you want to retrieve the next page of content 
// likely this would go in a click handler of some sort 
return false; 




navSelector : 'a#nav', // selector for the paged navigation 
nextSelector : 'a#nav', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2) 
itemSelector : '.item',  // selector for all items you'll retrieve 
loading: { 
finishedMsg: 'No more Images to load.', 
img: 'res/icons/load.gif', 
msgText: "<em>Loading Images...</em>" 
behavior : 'twitter', 
errorCallback: function() { 
    // fade out the error message after 2 seconds 
    $('#infscr-loading').animate({opacity: 0.8},2000).fadeOut('normal'); 
// call Isotope as a callback 
function(newElements) { 
    $container.isotope('insert', $(newElements)); 

$container.isotope({ filter: '*' }); 
$('input#discussion-search').quicksearch('#container .item', { 
    'show': function() { 
    'hide': function() { 
    setTimeout(function() { 
     $container.isotope({ filter: '.quicksearch-match' }); 

    }, 100); 