If this equal that then you soulAd do this and do that therefore..
the code should be executed immediatly
select * from user_error where object_name = name
select * from user_error where table= randomly
case 1 a = b else c=a
Begin with the structure of the data and divide the codes
end with what you know
If this equal that then you sould do this and do that therefore..
the code should be executed immediatly
The codes here has been replaced,
can you do that ?
case 1 a = b else c=a
Begin with the structure of the data and divide the codes
end with what you know
不錯,但你能解釋一下代碼的含義嗎?所以我可以知道如何使用它(\ - \ - stackb。*?)select。+?$ \ r?\ nselect。+?$(\ r?\ n。*?\ - \ - stacke) ?$意味着? ..我可以替換一個大腳本嗎? – Moudiz
我剛剛解釋了編輯答案。我希望這有幫助。但說實話,在你的情況最好的事情是先閱讀一個簡單的[正則表達式教程](https://www.google.com/search?q=regex+tutorial) – psxls
psxls thanx爲您解釋,但在您的代碼我必須在每一行中包括第一個worf,如果我有一個大段落,我該如何替換它。你的代碼將是有用的? – Moudiz