Date Tank Time Female.in.Middle Female.in.R.assoc Female.in.L.assoc R.side.of.divider
117 25-Jun I3 200 0.0966 0.2721 0.2001 0.0000
120 26-Jun I3 1030 0.2118 0.5663 0.2212 0.0000
123 27-Jun I3 200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
128 28-Jun I3 1100 0.0237 0.0672 0.1408 0.3289
129 28-Jun I3 230 0.0683 0.0606 0.2488 0.0000
132 29-Jun I3 200 0.1823 0.1180 0.6990 0.0000
135 2-Jul I3 200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
138 3-Jul I3 1030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
L.side.of.Divider Tank.1 Date.Entered M.L.name Male.L.Length Male.L.Weight M.R.name
117 0.4285 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
120 0.0000 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
123 0.9961 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
128 0.4423 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
129 0.6215 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
132 0.0000 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
135 0.9952 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
138 0.9948 I3 22-Jun green 2 7.6 14.32 pink 1
Male.R.Length Male.R.Weight Side.of.Spawn F.Length F.Weight F.name last.female.spawn.date
117 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
120 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
123 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
128 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
129 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
132 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
135 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
138 7.7 14.79 L 5.5 5.64 2c 22-Jun
spawn.date.in.paradigm X d.in.p dbs X.1 X.2 X.3
117 3-Jul 11 3 8 NA NA NA
120 3-Jul 11 4 7 NA NA NA
123 3-Jul 11 5 6 NA NA NA
128 3-Jul 11 6 5 NA NA NA
129 3-Jul 11 6 5 NA NA NA
132 3-Jul 11 7 4 NA NA NA
135 3-Jul 11 10 1 NA NA NA
138 3-Jul 11 11 0 NA NA NA
d2c<-plot(jd2c$d.in.p, jd2c$L.side.of.Divider, type='l', col='purple', xlab='Days After Entry', ylab='Proportion of Time Spent on Each Side of Divider', main='Female 2c', ylim=c(0,1))
legend('topleft',.8,c('Left', 'Right'),pch=c(.8), col=c('purple','green'))
points(jd2c$d.in.p, jd2c$R.side.of.divider, type='l', col='green')
az2c<-plot(jd2c$d.in.p, jd2c$Female.in.L.assoc, type='l', col='purple', xlab='Days After Entry', ylab='Proportion of Time Spent in Assoc. Zones', main='Female 2c', ylim=c(0,1))
legend('topleft',.8,c('Left', 'Right'),pch=c(.8), col=c('purple','green'))
points(jd2c$d.in.p, jd2c$Female.in.R.assoc, type='l', col='green')
rside2c<-cbind(jd2c$Female.in.R.assoc + jd2c$R.side.of.divider)
lside2c<-cbind(jd2c$Female.in.L.assoc + jd2c$L.side.of.Divider)
side2c<-plot(jd2c$d.in.p, lside2c, type='l', col='purple', xlab='Days After Entry', ylab='Proportion of Time Spent on Each Side (cumulative)', main='Female 2c', ylim=c(0,1))
legend('topleft',.8,c('Left', 'Right'),pch=c(.8), col=c('purple','green'))
points(jd2c$d.in.p, rside2c, type='l', col='green')
這是'ggplot2'真正發光的地方。 – 2012-07-18 14:23:26
要更具體一些,看看'ggplot2'方面:http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/facet_wrap.html。 – 2012-07-18 14:32:42
除了ggplot2也需要重新整形所有的數據。 – John 2012-07-18 14:42:57