概述:這個項目,我一直在努力從外部源接收消息,並根據收到的信息更新的兵地圖。但是,當我讓頁面運行很長時間時,頁面最終會耗盡所有內存並崩潰。Bing地圖V8 JS API內存泄漏問題
具體內容:這個memory issue出現了,我從Google地圖切換到Bing地圖,無論我嘗試過什麼,我都無法解決它。我已經遍尋搜索,試圖通過Bing地圖最佳做法來解決此問題,或者至少找到導致此問題的原因,但我一直無法找到任何可以解決問題的方法。
我有一個detached DOMs量顯著,並嘗試更密切地分析他們使用谷歌Chrome瀏覽器的控制檯,但一直未果。
- 移動與所有的處理程序添加到地圖初始化函數(如下顯示)的事,但似乎並沒有太多的改善。
- 載入從地圖初始化功能的任何Bing地圖模塊(顯示如下)。這清理了很多代碼,但似乎對內存使用量沒有太大影響。
- 同步加載地圖。然而,這似乎打破了與網站上的Bing地圖有關的一切。
- 停止在接收到消息中的地圖的處置。這有助於關鍵使用,但對內存使用沒有幫助。
function initialize() {
const CENTER = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.96375272262944, -93.2353971897461);
// Assigns the zoom depending on whether the device is a mobile device or not
if (isMobile()) {
zoom = 12;
} else {
zoom = 13;
// Initialize the map
map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), {
credentials: API_KEY,
minZoom: zoom,
center: CENTER,
disableStreetside: true,
disableStreetsideAutoCoverage: true,
enableClickableLogo: false,
showLocateMeButton: false,
showMapTypeSelector: false
bus1 = {
assignment: null,
destination: null,
distance: null,
eta: null,
location: null,
mph: null,
name: null,
pin: new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(map.getCenter(), {
icon: 'img/bus1.png',
anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(14, 44),
visible: false,
text: "",
title: ""
polylineRender: null,
time: null,
timeout: null,
bus2 = {
assignment: null,
destination: null,
distance: null,
eta: null,
location: null,
mph: null,
name: null,
pin: new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(map.getCenter(), {
icon: 'img/bus2.png',
anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(14, 44),
visible: false,
text: "",
title: ""
polylineRender: null,
time: null,
timeout: null,
bus3 = {
assignment: null,
destination: null,
distance: null,
eta: null,
location: null,
mph: null,
name: null,
pin: new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(map.getCenter(), {
icon: 'img/bus3.png',
anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(14, 44),
visible: false,
text: "",
title: ""
polylineRender: null,
time: null,
timeout: null,
buses = [bus1, bus2, bus3];
// Add the traffic layer
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Traffic', function() {
trafficLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.Traffic.TrafficManager(map);
// Add the directions manager
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Directions', function() {
bus1.polylineRender = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.DirectionsManager(map);
bus2.polylineRender = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.DirectionsManager(map);
bus3.polylineRender = new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.DirectionsManager(map);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(bus1.polylineRender, 'directionsError', function (e) {
console.log("Error: " + e.message + "\r\nResponse Code: " + e.responseCode);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(bus1.polylineRender, 'directionsUpdated', directionsUpdated);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(bus2.polylineRender, 'directionsError', function (e) {
console.log("Error: " + e.message + "\r\nResponse Code: " + e.responseCode);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(bus2.polylineRender, 'directionsUpdated', directionsUpdated);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(bus3.polylineRender, 'directionsError', function (e) {
console.log("Error: " + e.message + "\r\nResponse Code: " + e.responseCode);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(bus3.polylineRender, 'directionsUpdated', directionsUpdated);
// Defines the polygons surrounding each campus
polygonArrSTP = [
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.94619673931851, -93.19240808486938),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.941321471037966, -93.19249391555786),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.94130628263941, -93.19764375686646),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.93790398010943, -93.1975257396698),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.937926764055824, -93.1924831867218),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.94164802063501, -93.19241881370544),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.94164802063501, -93.18739771842957),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.94618914576464, -93.18735480308533),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.94618914576464, -93.1924295425415),
polygonArrMPLS = [
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.97380025938377, -93.2795798778534),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.97295018417148, -93.27883958816528),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.97264658282772, -93.27782034873962),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.973595331690625, -93.27698349952698),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.9745744240603, -93.27614665031433),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.97501463068608, -93.27712297439575),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.9747205274961, -93.27738046646118),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.974339139822895, -93.27832460403442),
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.97380025938377, -93.2795798778534)
// Adds the campus polygons to the map
polygonMPLS = new Microsoft.Maps.Polygon(polygonArrMPLS, {
fillColor: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)",
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeThickness: 2
polygonSTP = new Microsoft.Maps.Polygon(polygonArrSTP, {
fillColor: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)",
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeThickness: 2
// Assign the polygons to the Map
// Set the toggle for advanced mode
advancedModeEnabled = false;
console.log("Initialization complete.");
function redraw(payload) {
// If the user is does not have the page active, the payload is refused
if (!acceptingPayloads) {
return false;
let location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(payload.message.lat, payload.message.lng);
let name = payload.message.name;
let dest = payload.message.dest;
let mph = payload.message.mph;
const STP = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.9416428, -93.1917952);
const MPLS = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(44.9747502, -93.2774464);
if (dest.toUpperCase() === "S") {
dest = {letter: "S", name: "St. Paul", coords: STP};
} else if (dest.toUpperCase() === "M") {
dest = {letter: "M", name: "Minneapolis", coords: MPLS};
} else {
dest = null;
console.log(name + ": " + location.latitude + ", " + location.longitude + " - " + dest.name + " - " + mph + " mph");
// Gets the bus object that the payload was sent from
currentBus = getCurrentBus(name);
// Removes the timeout for the current bus
if (currentBus.timeout !== null) {
currentBus.location = location;
currentBus.destination = dest;
currentBus.mph = mph;
currentBus.time = Date.now();
currentBus.name = name;
// Restart the timeout for the current bus
// Calculate the distance between the current bus and its destination
$("." + currentBus.assignment + "-item").css('display', 'block')
function calcDistToDest() {
// Clear all information from the Directions Manager
// Set Route Mode to driving and the render options
routeMode: Microsoft.Maps.Directions.RouteMode.driving
autoUpdateMapView: false,
drivingPolylineOptions: {
waypointPushpinOptions: {
visible: false
firstWaypointPushpinOptions: {
anchor: currentBus.pin.getAnchor(),
icon: currentBus.pin.getIcon(),
title: currentBus.pin.getTitle(),
text: currentBus.pin.getText()
// Sets the waypoint of the bus's current position and destination
currentBus.polylineRender.addWaypoint(new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({
location: currentBus.location
currentBus.polylineRender.addWaypoint(new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint({
location: currentBus.destination.coords
// Calculate the directions
您使用的是Bing Maps V8的哪個分支?凍結的分支在一年內還沒有更新,並且有很多已知的內存泄漏,其中很多已經在主要發佈分支中修復。實驗分支中還有更多的修復。您使用的是哪種瀏覽器,我相信您報告的問題是IE的一個已知問題。 – rbrundritt
所以我一直在使用發佈分支。在Chrome,Firefox,IE和Edge上,這個問題一直在以同樣的速度發生。 –
你可以嘗試實驗分支,看看問題是否仍然存在。如果解決方案已經解決,它可能會在下個星期在主要發佈分支中發佈,如果它能及時發佈,或者接近9月底。 – rbrundritt