2016-12-03 53 views

我對JavaScript有點新,並且最近一直在和Phaser一起玩。所以我正在建造一個無限的側面卷軸,除了我的玩家不會與牆壁碰撞,一切正常。這兩個精靈都啓用了物理功能,我嘗試了多種解決方案,但其中沒有一個能夠工作。你能幫我解決嗎?Sprite vs Group Collider不能在移相器中使用enableBody設置爲true

function bloxo() 
\t var game = new Phaser.Game(1200, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'gameStage', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); 
\t var prevHole = 3; 

\t function preload() { 
\t \t game.load.image('bloxoDown','../bloxo/assets/images/bloxoDown.png'); 
\t \t game.load.image('bloxoUp','../bloxo/assets/images/bloxoUp.png'); 
\t \t game.load.image('wall','../bloxo/assets/images/platform.png',400,200); 

\t \t var space; 
\t \t var esc; 
\t \t var player; 
\t \t var walls; 
\t \t var score; 
\t } 

\t function create() { 

\t \t //Canvas With a White Bacground and Physics is Created 
\t \t game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; 
\t \t game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); 


\t \t //Sets the initial Score. 
\t \t score = 0; \t 

\t \t //Sets how fast the tiles move 
\t \t tileSpeed = -300; 

\t \t tileWidth = game.cache.getImage('wall').width; 
\t \t tileHeight = game.cache.getImage('wall').height;; 

\t \t //Keys for User Input are created 
\t \t space = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR); 
\t \t esc = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.ESC); 

\t \t //Adds Bloxo to the game as a sprite. 
\t \t player = game.add.sprite(200,200,'bloxoDown'); 
\t \t player.scale.setTo(0.6, 0.6); 
\t \t game.physics.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); 
\t \t player.body.collideWorldBounds = true; 
\t \t player.body.immovable = true; 

\t \t //Walls Group is created 
\t \t walls = game.add.physicsGroup(); 
\t \t walls.createMultiple(50, 'wall'); 
\t \t walls.enableBody = true; 


\t \t game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, walls,null,this) 
\t \t 
\t \t game.physics.arcade.collide(player,walls,gameOver); 

\t \t // Stop the following keys from propagating up to the browser 
\t \t game.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([ Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR, Phaser.Keyboard.ESC,]); 

\t \t //Unpausing Function 
\t \t window.onkeydown = function(event) 
\t  { 
\t   if (esc.onDown && (esc.timeDown > 2000)) 
\t   { \t 
\t   \t if(game.paused) 
\t   \t { 
\t    \t game.paused = !game.paused; 
\t    \t pauseLbl.destroy(); 
\t    \t } 
\t   } 
\t  } 

\t  //Add an initial platform 
\t \t addWall(); 
\t \t //Add a platform every 3 seconds 
\t \t var timerWorld = game.time.events.loop(500, addWall); 
\t } 

\t function update() { 

\t \t if (space.isDown) 
    \t { 
     \t player.body.y -=5; 
     \t bloxoUp(); 
    \t } 
    \t else 
    \t { 
    \t \t player.body.y +=5; 
    \t \t bloxoDown(); 
    \t } 

    \t if(esc.isDown) 
    \t { 
    \t \t pauseGame(); \t 
    \t } 
\t } 

\t function bloxoUp() 
\t { 
\t \t player.loadTexture('bloxoUp'); 
\t } 

\t function bloxoDown() 
\t { 
\t \t player.loadTexture('bloxoDown'); 
\t } 

\t function pauseGame() 
\t { 
\t \t game.paused = true; 
\t \t pauseLbl = game.add.text(500, 300, 'Game Paused', { font: '30px Roboto', fill: '#aaaaaa' }); 
\t } 

\t function addTile(x,y) 
\t { 
\t  //Get a tile that is not currently on screen 
\t  var tile = walls.getFirstDead(); 
\t  //Reset it to the specified coordinates 
\t  tile.reset(x,y); 
\t  tile.body.velocity.x = tileSpeed; 
\t  tile.body.immovable = true; 
\t  //When the tile leaves the screen, kill it 
\t  tile.checkWorldBounds = true; 
\t  tile.outOfBoundsKill = true;  
\t } 

\t function addWall() 
\t { 
\t  //Speed up the game to make it harder 
\t  tileSpeed -= 1; 
\t  score += 1; 
\t  //Work out how many tiles we need to fit across the whole screen 
\t  var tilesNeeded = Math.ceil(game.world.height/tileHeight); 

\t  //Add a hole randomly somewhere 
\t  do 
\t  { 
\t  \t var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * (tilesNeeded - 2)) + 1; 
\t \t }while((hole > (prevHole + 2)) && (hole < (prevHole - 2))); 

\t \t prevHole = hole; 

\t  //Keep creating tiles next to each other until we have an entire row 
\t  //Don't add tiles where the random hole is 
\t  for (var i = 0; i < tilesNeeded; i++){ 
\t   if (i != hole && (i != hole+1 && i != hole-1) && (i != hole+2 && i != hole-2)){ 
\t    addTile(game.world.width, i * tileHeight); 
\t   }  
\t  } 
\t } 

\t function gameOver() 
\t { 
\t \t console.log("player hit"); 
\t \t player.kill(); 
\t \t game.state.start(game.state.current); 
\t } 




game.physics.arcade.collide(player, walls, gameOver); 


var game = new Phaser.Game(450, 150, Phaser.CANVAS, 'gameStage', { 
    preload: preload, 
    create: create, 
    update: update 
var prevHole = 3; 

function preload() { 
    game.load.image('bloxoDown', '../bloxo/assets/images/bloxoDown.png'); 
    game.load.image('bloxoUp', '../bloxo/assets/images/bloxoUp.png'); 
    game.load.image('wall', '../bloxo/assets/images/platform.png', 400, 100); 

    var space; 
    var esc; 
    var player; 
    var walls; 
    var score; 

function create() { 

    //Canvas With a White Bacground and Physics is Created 
    game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; 


    //Sets the initial Score. 
    score = 0; 

    //Sets how fast the tiles move 
    tileSpeed = -300; 

    tileWidth = game.cache.getImage('wall').width; 
    tileHeight = game.cache.getImage('wall').height;; 

    //Keys for User Input are created 
    space = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR); 
    esc = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.ESC); 

    //Adds Bloxo to the game as a sprite. 
    player = game.add.sprite(200, 200, 'bloxoDown'); 
    player.scale.setTo(0.6, 0.6); 
    game.physics.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); 
    player.body.collideWorldBounds = true; 
    player.body.immovable = true; 

    //Walls Group is created 
    walls = game.add.physicsGroup(); 
    walls.createMultiple(50, 'wall'); 
    walls.enableBody = true; 


    game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, walls, null, this) 
    // remove your call to collide 

    // Stop the following keys from propagating up to the browser 
    game.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR, Phaser.Keyboard.ESC, ]); 

    //Unpausing Function 
    window.onkeydown = function(event) { 
    if (esc.onDown && (esc.timeDown > 2000)) { 
     if (game.paused) { 
     game.paused = !game.paused; 

    //Add an initial platform 

    //Add a platform every 3 seconds 
    var timerWorld = game.time.events.loop(500, addWall); 

function update() { 

    if (space.isDown) { 
    player.body.y -= 5; 
    } else { 
    player.body.y += 5; 
    // move your collide call here 
    game.physics.arcade.collide(player, walls, gameOver); 

    if (esc.isDown) { 
function bloxoUp() { 

function bloxoDown() { 

function pauseGame() { 
    game.paused = true; 
    pauseLbl = game.add.text(500, 300, 'Game Paused', { 
    font: '30px Roboto', 
    fill: '#aaaaaa' 

function addTile(x, y) { 
    //Get a tile that is not currently on screen 
    var tile = walls.getFirstDead(); 


    //Reset it to the specified coordinates 
    if (tile) { 
    tile.reset(x, y); 
    tile.body.velocity.x = tileSpeed; 
    tile.body.immovable = true; 

    //When the tile leaves the screen, kill it 
    tile.checkWorldBounds = true; 
    tile.outOfBoundsKill = true; 


function addWall() { 
    //Speed up the game to make it harder 
    tileSpeed -= 1; 
    score += 1; 

    //Work out how many tiles we need to fit across the whole screen 
    var tilesNeeded = Math.ceil(game.world.height/tileHeight); 
    var prevHole; 
    //Add a hole randomly somewhere 
    do { 
    var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * (tilesNeeded - 2)) + 1; 
    } while ((hole > (prevHole + 2)) && (hole < (prevHole - 2))); 

    prevHole = hole; 

    //Keep creating tiles next to each other until we have an entire row 
    //Don't add tiles where the random hole is 
    for (var i = 0; i < tilesNeeded; i++) { 
    if (i != hole && (i != hole + 1 && i != hole - 1) && (i != hole + 2 && i != hole - 2)) { 
     addTile(game.world.width, i * tileHeight); 

function gameOver() { 
    console.log("player hit"); 
    border: 5px solid #333; 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/phaser/2.6.2/phaser.min.js"></script>


我會吻你,如果我可以。非常感謝,我不明白爲什麼它不能工作幾個小時,因爲我正在研究的教程說碰撞是在創建函數中。再次非常感謝! –
