2017-09-17 39 views

我正在從課堂上工作。我試圖從總價中折扣「CA居民5%」,但我認爲我的代碼是單獨折扣每個價格然後添加它們。不知道在我的程序中發生了什麼。Java POS程序。折扣全部,不是每個價格


import java.util.*; 

public class Sept13 { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

========Point of Sale======== 
Foods   No Tax 
Ciggarettes  25% Tax 
Books   No Tax 
Computer  10% Tax 
CA Resident  5% Discount 
Clothes   10 % Tax 





boolean CAR = false; 
double total = 0, price = 0, Ca = .05, Fo, Ci = .25, Bo, Co = .10, Cl = .10; 
int ans = 0; 

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 

System.out.print("Are you a California Resident? Type 1 if yes type 0 if no "); 
\t \t ans = in.nextInt(); 
     if (ans == 1){ 
     CAR = true; //Discount for California Resident 
//Cigarette Tax 
System.out.print("Are you buying cigarettes? Type 1 if yes type 0 if no "); 
\t \t ans = in.nextInt(); 

     if (ans == 1); 
     System.out.print("Enter price of item(s)"); 
\t \t price = in.nextDouble(); 
     if (CAR){ 
     total += ((price*Ci)+price); 


//Computer Tax 
System.out.print("Are you buying a computer(s)? Type 1 if yes type 0 if no "); 
\t \t ans = in.nextInt(); 
     if (ans == 1); 
     System.out.print("Enter price of item(s)"); 
\t \t price = in.nextDouble(); 
     if (CAR){ 
     total += ((price*Co)+price); 


//Clothes Tax 
System.out.print("Are you buying a Clothes? Type 1 if yes type 0 if no "); 
\t \t ans = in.nextInt(); 
     if (ans == 1); 
     System.out.print("Enter price of item(s)"); 
\t \t price = in.nextDouble(); 
     if (CAR){ 
     total += ((price*Cl)+price); 

System.out.print (total-(total*Ca)); 





那麼,你是每個項目後單獨打折每個價格輸入之前,將它們添加到總數。如果您希望折扣在最後發生,只需在所有輸入處於輸入狀態並應用折扣後編寫一個'if'語句。 – alejandrogiron


另外,我非常肯定,單獨應用折扣或在最後應用折扣會輸出相同的結果。 – alejandrogiron




//Cigarette Tax 
System.out.print("Are you buying cigarettes? Type 1 if yes type 0 if no "); 

ans = in.nextInt(); 

if (ans == 1){ 
    double cigarateTax = 0; 
    System.out.print("Enter price of item(s)"); 

    if (CAR){ 
     cigarateTax += ((price*Ci)+price); 
    total += cigarateTax; 