2016-08-25 71 views



$('#x').on('drop', function(event){ 
    return false; 

$('#x').on('paste', function(event){ 
    return false; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div>Try drag/dropping this text before and after existing text, then try with copy/paste</div> 
<textarea id="x">some existing text</textarea> 
<div>The drop position was <span id="y"></span></div> 
<div>The paste position was <span id="z"></span></div>


我沒有看到這個問題。您的代碼工作正常,並顯示放置和粘貼事件的位置。 –


當我運行代碼並在「某些現有文本」末尾放置一些文本時,我看到「放置位置爲0」(假設textarea沒有任何焦點)。 @TobiasK。如果我將注意力集中在文本區域的末尾,然後將文本拖到開頭,也會報告不正確的數字。 – AlexMA


@TobiasK。我更新了「步驟重現」的問題 – AlexMA






let drop_event = 'drop'; 
let paste_event = 'paste'; 
let events = [drop_event, paste_event]; 
var old_val = $('#x').val(); 
var current_event = ''; 
var cursor_pos = 0; 
var sel_len = 0; 

// iterate through each event 
$.each(events, function(key, value) { 
    $('#x').on(value, function(event){ 
    // saving old value and the current event 
    old_value = $('#x').val(); 
    current_event = value; 


$('#x').on('input', function(event){ 
    // position, where the string change starts 
    cursor_pos = event.target.selectionStart; 
    if (current_event == drop_event){ 
    // drop events are eays 
    } else { 
    // substract the length of change 
    $('#z').html(cursor_pos - diff_string($('#x').val(), old_val)); 
    // set old string value 

* Calculates the difference between two strings, 
* iff one string is substring of the other string 
* @param a first string 
* @param b second string 
* @return differnce as int 
function diff_string(a, b){ 
    var len = a.length > b.length ? b.length : a.length; 
    var index = 0; 
    while (a.charAt(index) == b.charAt(index)) 
    index += 1; 
    a = a.substr(index); 
    b = b.substr(index); 
    var diff = a.length > b.length ? a.indexOf(b) : b.indexOf(a); 
    diff = diff == 0 ? a.length + b.length : diff; 
    return diff; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div>Try drag/dropping this text before and after existing text, then try with copy/paste</div> 
<textarea id="x">123456789 some existing text</textarea> 
<div>The drop position was <span id="y"></span></div> 
<div>The paste position was <span id="z"></span></div>


這是一個聰明的想法。這太糟糕了,我們必須訴諸這一點,但它的工作。我希望最終drop事件爲你包含這個(imo關鍵)屬性。 – AlexMA