所以,你想調用一個函數在一個boost :: variant類型依賴?
template<typename T>
struct RunOnlyOnType_Helper
std::function<void(T)> func;
template<typename U>
void operator()(U unused) {}
void operator()(T t) { func(t); }
RunOnlyOnType_Helper(std::function<void(T)> func_):func(func_){}
template<typename T, typename Variant>
void RunOnlyOnType(Variant v, std::function< void(T) > func)
boost::apply_visitor(RunOnlyOnType_Helper<T>(func), v);
typedef boost::variant<int, char, bool, double> var;
var v(int(7)); // create a variant which is an int that has value 7
std::string bob = "you fool!\n";
RunOnlyOnType<int>(v, [&](int value)->void
// code goes here, and it can see variables from enclosing scope
// the value of v as an int is passed in as the argument value
std::cout << "V is an int with value " << value << " and bob says " << bob;
的使用是次優的(你應該能夠一直使用模板仿函數 - 嘿,你可以從仿函數的類型簽名中提取類型T)。
lambda? – BigBoss
我需要與C++ 98兼容 – Baz