2016-01-05 17 views


for i in aaa bbb ccc; do awk '$i,/Record Closing String/' filename.txt >> output_file.txt; done 


aaa this is just scrap text 

There is more scrap text. 
And even more scrap text with the identifier again: aaa. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

xaa this is just scrap text 

There is different scrap text. 
And even more scrap text with the identifier again: xaa. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

bbb this is just scrap text 

There is more slightly different scrap text. 
And even more different scrap text with the identifier again: bbb. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

ddd this is just scrap text 

There is different scrap text. 
And even more different scrap text with the identifier again: ddd. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

eee this is just scrap text 

There is different scrap text. 
And even more different scrap text with the identifier again: eee. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

ccc this is just scrap text 

There is different scrap text. 
And even more different scrap text with the identifier again: ccc. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 


aaa this is just scrap text 

There is more scrap text. 
And even more scrap text with the identifier again: aaa. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

bbb this is just scrap text 

There is more slightly different scrap text. 
And even more different scrap text with the identifier again: bbb. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

ccc this is just scrap text 

There is different scrap text. 
And even more different scrap text with the identifier again: ccc. 

And even more scrap text. 
Record Closing String 

爲了得到這個答案,你可能需要添加更多的信息:http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve – Brian


謝謝Brian。我會計劃今天晚些時候生成一個例子:)。 – Padawan


添加了一個示例。希望這可以幫助! – Padawan



如果你可以使用GAWK(GNU AWK),那麼你可以使用正則表達式記錄分隔符,而這變得非常容易:

gawk -v RS='Record Closing String' '/aaa|bbb|ccc/' filename 
