2011-05-10 19 views


我的緩衝區有4096字節,我想在這個搜索如果字節45 34 67 23(在一起)在這個緩衝區內(像在緩衝區中搜索字符串)。



你使用什麼語言? – Mat 2011-05-10 09:47:37


什麼語言?另外,最天真的實現有些問題嗎? (即找到值爲'45'的第一個字節,看看它是否跟着'34 67 23',如果不是,重複直到數組結束) – Piskvor 2011-05-10 09:47:58


我很抱歉,我忘了說它的C語言!聽起來不錯,也就是說謝謝:) – nomercy 2011-05-10 09:53:23




haystacklen = 4096; 
needlelen = 4; 

foundat = -1; 
index = 0; /* start at a different number if searching for 2nd occurrence */ 
while (index < haystacklen - needlelen + 1) { 
    if ((buffer[index + 0] == 45) 
    && (buffer[index + 1] == 34) 
    && (buffer[index + 2] == 67) 
    && (buffer[index + 3] == 23)) 
     foundat = index; 
/* foundat has the index of the 1st search bytes or -1 */ 

「如果有疑問,請使用蠻力」 - Ken Thompson – pmg 2011-05-10 10:38:42


不應該是'while(index 2011-05-10 10:38:49


@Paul R:那會是'while(index <= haystacklen - needlelen)'。假設它們長度相同:「haystacklen - needlelen」將爲0,並且「索引」從0開始,循環將永遠不會運行。 – pmg 2011-05-10 10:41:24


你也可以使用這個更快的版本。但是你必須記住,這隻適用於x86/little endian處理器,因爲MAKEDWORD宏。

#define MAKEDWORD(a,b,c,d) ((uint32_t) (((uint32_t)a) & 0xFF) | ((((uint32_t)b) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((((uint32_t)c) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((((uint32_t)d) & 0xFF) << 24)) 
#define NEEDLE (MAKEDWORD(45,34,67,23)) 

// get the start and end address of the buffer 
uint8_t *ptrEndBuffer = ((uint8_t*)buffer) + (4096 - sizeof(NEEDLE)); 
uint8_t *ptrStartBuffer = (uint8_t*)buffer - 1; // subtract -1 because we also want to get index 0 

// while the result is not 0 we are good 
while (ptrEndBuffer - ptrStartBuffer) { 
    if ((*(uint32_t*)ptrEndBuffer) == NEEDLE) // get an whole integer instead of just one char 
     break; // leave the loop if we found a match 


// the index will be -1 if we couldn't find a match else we subtract the start address + the 1 we first removed from the end buffer 
int index = ((ptrEndBuffer == ptrStartBuffer) ? (-1) : (ptrEndBuffer - (ptrStartBuffer + 1))); 

你也可以這樣做: int index =(int)((int64_t)ptrEndBuffer - ((int64_t)ptrStartBuffer + 1))/ /強制轉換,因爲如果在堆棧中工作(高地址)強制轉換爲int32_t可能會溢出整數並呈現爲負數 – DipSwitch 2011-05-10 12:34:27