2015-09-27 52 views


1  I am like one who gathers summer fruit 
     at the gleaning of the vineyard; 
     there is no cluster of grapes to eat, 
     none of the early figs that I crave. 

2  The faithful have been swept from the land; 
     not one upright person remains. 
     Everyone lies in wait to shed blood; 
     they hunt each other with nets. 

3  Both hands are skilled in doing evil; 
     the ruler demands gifts, 
     the judge accepts bribes, 
     the powerful dictate what they desire— 
     they all conspire together.


1  I am like one who gathers summer fruit<BR>at the gleaning of the vineyard;<BR>there is no cluster of grapes to eat,<BR>none of the early figs that I crave. 
2  The faithful have been swept from the land;<BR>not one upright person remains.<BR>Everyone lies in wait to shed blood;<BR>they hunt each other with nets. 
3  Both hands are skilled in doing evil;<BR>the ruler demands gifts,<BR>the judge accepts bribes,<BR>the powerful dictate what they desire—<BR>they all conspire together.

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