2011-05-20 20 views

中選擇其配置有沒有辦法找出Log4J從哪裏挑選配置文件? 我試圖更改我的log4j.xml,並且這些更改未反映在Log4j行爲中。我刪除了log4j.xml,有趣的是,Log4J仍然在處理舊的行爲。所以它必須選擇一些在我的命名空間中可用的配置文件。但問題是我怎樣才能找出哪一個。有沒有辦法做到這一點?有很多不同的jar文件依賴關係,所以它們中的一個必須包含一個log4j.xml或log4j.properties來覆蓋我的更改。 任何想法?如何知道Log4j在何處從



運行應用程序時,您可以設置系統屬性-Dlog4j.debug。 log4j的會產生調試輸出在這種情況下,告訴你它是如何解析到的log4j.xml的路徑,例如:

log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using context classloader [email protected]e7. 
log4j: Using URL [file:/C:/develop/workspace/foobar/target/classes/log4j.xml] for automatic log4j configuration. 
log4j: Preferred configurator class: org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator 



激活-Dlog4j.debug就像FrVaBe建議的his answer是一個很好的解決方案。但是,我想在啓動時打印或記錄位置,而不激活log4j的調試模式。我創建了一個小的util方法,它主要是log4j的默認init例程的副本,它返回配置文件的URL。


* Get the URL of the log4j config file. This is mostly copied from org.apache.log4j.LogManager's default init routine. 
* @return log4j config url 
public static URL getLog4JConfigurationUrl(){ 

    /** Search for the properties file log4j.properties in the CLASSPATH. */ 
    String override = OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(LogManager.DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY, null); 

    // if there is no default init override, then get the resource 
    // specified by the user or the default config file. 
    if (override == null || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(override)){ 

     String configurationOptionStr = OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(LogManager.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_KEY, null); 

     URL url; 

     // if the user has not specified the log4j.configuration 
     // property, we search first for the file "log4j.xml" and then 
     // "log4j.properties" 
     if (configurationOptionStr == null){ 
     url = Loader.getResource("log4j.xml"); 
     if (url == null){ 
      url = Loader.getResource(LogManager.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE); 
     } else { 
     try { 
      url = new URL(configurationOptionStr); 
     } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { 
      // so, resource is not a URL: 
      // attempt to get the resource from the class path 
      url = Loader.getResource(configurationOptionStr); 

     if (url == null) 
     throw new RuntimeException("log4j configuration could not be found!"); 

     return url; 

    throw new RuntimeException("default init is overridden, log4j configuration could not be found!"); 
