class main
static void Main(string[] args)
List<bool> testData = new List<bool>() {true};
System.Console.WriteLine("In MAIN! \n");
int inputNeurons = 64;
int outputNeurons = 2;
double eta = 0.1; // 0.0..1.0 training rate
double alpha = 0.5; // 0.0..n momentum
NeuralNet neuralNet = new NeuralNet(eta, alpha);
// order matters, first layer is for input, last layer is for output
neuralNet.AddLayer(inputNeurons); // input layer
// multiple hidden layers could go here
neuralNet.AddLayer(outputNeurons); // output Layer
namespace NeuralNetJO
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public class NeuralNet
public NeuralNet(double newEta, double newAlpha)
numLayers = -1; // numLayers tracks how many layers of neurons the neural net has
eta = newEta;
alpha = newAlpha;
* GetResults()
* returns array of results and weights
public void GetResults()
foreach (Layer l in n_layer)
foreach (Neuron n in l.n_neurons)
public void MakeConnections()
// For each layer
if (numLayers > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < n_layer.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n_layer[i].n_neurons.Count; j++)
//For each Node in Layer that isn't final layer, connect it to every node in the next layer
public void FeedForward(List<int> inputVals)
public void BackProp(List<int> targetVals)
public void AddLayer(int numNeurons)
if (numLayers > 0) //If first layer
Layer layer = new Layer(numNeurons, numLayers, n_layer[numLayers - 1]);
Layer layer = new Layer(numNeurons, numLayers);
public void Train(List<bool> testData)
if (testData[0] == false)
Console.WriteLine("\t False");
Console.WriteLine("\t True");
//-------------- Member Variables --------------//
private List<Layer> n_layer = new List<Layer>(); // List of layers, layers are comprised of Neurons
private int numLayers;
double eta;
double alpha;
public class Layer
// mumLayer is for debug purposes only
public Layer(int numNeurons, int numLayer, Layer prevLayer = null)
myLayer = numLayer;
for (int i = 0; i <= numNeurons; ++i) // Add a bias Neuron
System.Console.Write(i + ": "); // Show line number for accurate Neuron count
Neuron neuron = new Neuron(i);
Console.WriteLine(" in layer #" + numLayer);
if (prevLayer != null)
foreach (Neuron n in prevLayer)
public List<Neuron> n_neurons = new List<Neuron>();
int myLayer;
* Neuron is a class that holds public information about Neurons
* This include weights, value, input and output locations.
public class Neuron
public Neuron(int index) // Constructor
myIndex = index;
System.Console.Write("Creating Neuron " + myIndex);
private double transferFunction(double x)
return x;
private double transferFunctionDerivative(double x)
return x;
double randomWeight()
// set weights random
Random r = new Random(0);
return r.NextDouble() * 2 - 1.0;
public double Value { get; set; } // Output value
List<Connection> outPutWeights; // Fpr each connection for the layer to the right
public int numOutputs { set; get; } // This will be set when numLayers > 0;
int myIndex;
double eta; // training rate
double alpha; // momentum
double gradient;
private double sumDOW(Layer nextLayer)
return 1;
public class Connection
public double Weight { get; set; }
public double DeltaWeight { get; set; }
小心使用'numLayers'。即使'n_layer.Count == 0',你也可以在'-1'開始。然後你用它來決定這是否是你的第一層。爲什麼不使用'if(n_layer.Count == 0)...'來決定何時添加第一層? –