方法竟然比我預想的要好得多。我沒有在NumPy中找到任何現成的功能。我在這裏分享它是爲了任何需要用NumPy實現它的人的興趣。 (PS self
def scatter_numpy(self, dim, index, src):
Writes all values from the Tensor src into self at the indices specified in the index Tensor.
:param dim: The axis along which to index
:param index: The indices of elements to scatter
:param src: The source element(s) to scatter
:return: self
if index.dtype != np.dtype('int_'):
raise TypeError("The values of index must be integers")
if self.ndim != index.ndim:
raise ValueError("Index should have the same number of dimensions as output")
if dim >= self.ndim or dim < -self.ndim:
raise IndexError("dim is out of range")
if dim < 0:
# Not sure why scatter should accept dim < 0, but that is the behavior in PyTorch's scatter
dim = self.ndim + dim
idx_xsection_shape = index.shape[:dim] + index.shape[dim + 1:]
self_xsection_shape = self.shape[:dim] + self.shape[dim + 1:]
if idx_xsection_shape != self_xsection_shape:
raise ValueError("Except for dimension " + str(dim) +
", all dimensions of index and output should be the same size")
if (index >= self.shape[dim]).any() or (index < 0).any():
raise IndexError("The values of index must be between 0 and (self.shape[dim] -1)")
def make_slice(arr, dim, i):
slc = [slice(None)] * arr.ndim
slc[dim] = i
return slc
# We use index and dim parameters to create idx
# idx is in a form that can be used as a NumPy advanced index for scattering of src param. in self
idx = [[*np.indices(idx_xsection_shape).reshape(index.ndim - 1, -1),
index[make_slice(index, dim, i)].reshape(1, -1)[0]] for i in range(index.shape[dim])]
idx = list(np.concatenate(idx, axis=1))
idx.insert(dim, idx.pop())
if not np.isscalar(src):
if index.shape[dim] > src.shape[dim]:
raise IndexError("Dimension " + str(dim) + "of index can not be bigger than that of src ")
src_xsection_shape = src.shape[:dim] + src.shape[dim + 1:]
if idx_xsection_shape != src_xsection_shape:
raise ValueError("Except for dimension " +
str(dim) + ", all dimensions of index and src should be the same size")
# src_idx is a NumPy advanced index for indexing of elements in the src
src_idx = list(idx)
src_idx.insert(dim, np.repeat(np.arange(index.shape[dim]), np.prod(idx_xsection_shape)))
self[idx] = src[src_idx]
self[idx] = src
return self
def gather_numpy(self, dim, index):
Gathers values along an axis specified by dim.
For a 3-D tensor the output is specified by:
out[i][j][k] = input[index[i][j][k]][j][k] # if dim == 0
out[i][j][k] = input[i][index[i][j][k]][k] # if dim == 1
out[i][j][k] = input[i][j][index[i][j][k]] # if dim == 2
:param dim: The axis along which to index
:param index: A tensor of indices of elements to gather
:return: tensor of gathered values
idx_xsection_shape = index.shape[:dim] + index.shape[dim + 1:]
self_xsection_shape = self.shape[:dim] + self.shape[dim + 1:]
if idx_xsection_shape != self_xsection_shape:
raise ValueError("Except for dimension " + str(dim) +
", all dimensions of index and self should be the same size")
if index.dtype != np.dtype('int_'):
raise TypeError("The values of index must be integers")
data_swaped = np.swapaxes(self, 0, dim)
index_swaped = np.swapaxes(index, 0, dim)
gathered = np.choose(index_swaped, data_swaped)
return np.swapaxes(gathered, 0, dim)
ref[indices] = updates # tf.scatter_update(ref, indices, updates)
ref[:, indices] = updates # tf.scatter_update(ref, indices, updates, axis=1)
ref[..., indices, :] = updates # tf.scatter_update(ref, indices, updates, axis=-2)
ref[..., indices] = updates # tf.scatter_update(ref, indices, updates, axis=-1)
ref[indices] # tf.gather(ref, indices)
ref[:, indices] # tf.gather(ref, indices, axis=1)
ref[..., indices, :] # tf.gather(ref, indices, axis=-2)
ref[..., indices] # tf.gather(ref, indices, axis=-1)
在你的解決方案中,你如何定義你想要分散src的維度? –
已更新的答案。 – DomJack
你的定義是什麼意思?我的理解是在PyTorch和Tensorflow中,重複的索引導致重寫值。在TF的情況下,他們特別警告更新的順序不是確定性的。我查看了np.add.at,它似乎對「scatter_add」操作有效(不是?),但這不是我想要的行爲。 –
- 1. Numpy中的分塊操作
- 2. 分散收集實現
- 3. Laravel收集操作
- 4. 如何在numPy中執行此操作?
- 5. 收集和R中擴散函數
- 6. LINQ到SQL和收集操作
- 7. 在Ruby中排序和操作散列
- 8. 垃圾收集如何在mobx-utils中解決異步操作?
- 9. 與分組,計數和過濾操作收集流
- 10. ActiveAdmin收集操作路徑
- 11. NSArray的收集操作員
- 12. 區分回收站視圖中的拖動操作和垃圾回收操作
- 13. 散裝收集SQL
- 14. Numpy位操作
- 15. dtype如何影響Numpy中的行和列操作速度?
- 16. Numpy蒙面操作
- 17. numpy操作的numpy.memmap
- 18. 使用數組在numpy中操作
- 19. 如何收集numpy中特定索引的元素?
- 20. 如何在iOS生成的操作表上收聽操作
- 21. 如何在MongoDB中收集
- 22. 如何在Rails中收集?
- 23. 從軌道中散列收集變量
- 24. 收集操作與匿名內部類
- 25. 積累/收集基於時間操作
- 26. rails_admin收集操作執行兩次
- 27. 收集昂貴操作的Java同步
- 28. MPI收集/減少操作困惑?
- 29. 貓鼬收集統計/操作查詢
- 30. RxJS - 收集異步操作結果
我懷疑有問題的代碼是開源... –
貌似這些方法的Python前端到C++方法。如果你需要'numpy'專家的幫助,你需要解釋他們的工作。換句話說,用'numpy'術語(舉例)說明你想要做什麼。沒有'pytorch'的經驗,我無法輕易理解文檔。 – hpaulj
@MadPhysicist是的代碼是開源的。你可以在這裏查看。這是一個非常酷的項目:http://openmined.org/ –