//function to retrieve posts from facebook’s server
function loadFB($fbID){
//load and setup CURL
$c = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
//get data from facebook and decode JSON
$page = json_decode(curl_exec($c));
//close the connection
//return the data as an object
return $page->data;
/* Change These Values */
// Your Facebook ID
$fbid = "YOUR_FB_ID";
// How many posts to show?
$fbLimit = 10;
// Your Timezone
/* Dont Change */
// Variable used to count how many we’ve loaded
$fbCount = 0;
// Call the function and get the posts from facebook
$myPosts = loadFB($fbid);
//loop through all the posts we got from facebook
foreach($myPosts as $dPost){
//only show posts that are posted by the page admin
//get the post date/time and convert to unix time
$dTime = strtotime($dPost->created_time);
//format the date/time into something human readable
//if you want it formatted differently look up the php date function
$myTime=date("M d Y h:ia",$dTime);
<li><?php echo($dPost->message) . $myTime; ?></li>
//increment counter
//if we’ve outputted the number set above in fblimit we’re done
if($fbCount >= $fbLimit) break;
有趣的功能要求,但我真的很懷疑,如果這個功能存在[發佈至Facebook粉絲頁面飼料爲用戶槽PHP SDK]的 –
可能重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17020585/posting -to-Facebook的扇頁送進作爲用戶槽式-PHP-SDK) –