2014-04-18 67 views

我有一個簡單的數據,在出現這樣的SQL - 整合重疊的數據

**ROW Start End** 
    0  1  2 
    1  3  5 
    2  4  6 
    3  8  9 

圖形SQL服務器設置,數據會出現這樣的 enter image description here


**ROW Start End** 
    0  1  2 
    1  3  6 
    2  8  9 

這可能在SQL Server中,而無需編寫複雜的過程或統計信息EMENT?


您使用的是哪個版本的SQL Server? –


大量使用視覺效果,有助於我們理解並回答問題。 – JBrooks


@GordonLinoff - SQL Server 2012 – jamesamuir



下面是另一種替代方案的SQL Fiddle


with temp_positions as --Select all limits as a single column along with the start/end flag (s/e) 
    select startx limit, 's' as pos from t 
    select endx, 'e' as pos from t 
, ordered_positions as --Rank all limits 
    select limit, pos, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY limit) AS Rank 
    from temp_positions 
, collapsed_positions as --Collapse ranges (select the first limit, if s is preceded or followed by e, and the last limit) and rank limits again 
    select op1.*, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY op1.Rank) AS New_Rank 
    from ordered_positions op1 
    inner join ordered_positions op2 
    on (op1.Rank = op2.Rank and op1.Rank = 1 and op1.pos = 's') 
    or (op2.Rank = op1.Rank-1 and op2.pos = 'e' and op1.pos = 's') 
    or (op2.Rank = op1.Rank+1 and op2.pos = 's' and op1.pos = 'e') 
    or (op2.Rank = op1.Rank and op1.pos = 'e' and op1.Rank = (select max(Rank) from ordered_positions)) 
, final_positions as --Now each s is followed by e. So, select s limits and corresponding e limits. Rank ranges 
    select cp1.limit as cp1_limit, cp2.limit as cp2_limit, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY cp1.limit) AS Final_Rank 
    from collapsed_positions cp1 
    inner join collapsed_positions cp2 
    on cp1.pos = 's' and cp2.New_Rank = cp1.New_Rank+1 
--Finally, subtract 1 from Rank to start Range #'s from 0 
select fp.Final_Rank-1 seq_no, fp.cp1_limit as starty, fp.cp2_limit as endy 
from final_positions fp; 


with temp_positions as --Select all limits as a single column along with the start/end flag (s/e) 
    select startx limit, 's' as pos from t 
    select endx, 'e' as pos from t 
, ordered_positions as --Rank all limits 
    select limit, pos, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY limit) AS Rank 
    from temp_positions 
select * 
from ordered_positions; 

此查詢已經過更多的數據測試(範圍5完全在範圍4內)並且可以正常工作。 SQL小提琴:http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!6/95a11/11 –


很高興爲你工作:-) –



with starts as (
     select t.*, 
      (case when exists (select 1 from table t2 where t2.start < t.start and t2.end >= .end) 
        then 0 
        else 1 
       end) as isstart 
     from table t 
    groups as (
     select s.*, 
      (select sum(isstart) 
       from starts s2 
       where s2.start <= s.start 
      ) as grouping 
     from starts s 
select row_number() over (order by min(start)) as row, 
     min(start) as start, max(end) as end 
from groups 
group by grouping; 


select * 
from dbo.getCollapsedSegments(2, 9) 

下面是一個例子(我換成FIN END,因爲END是一個保留字。)

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.getCollapsedSegments(@Start int, @Fin int) 
RETURNS @CollapsedSegments TABLE 
    -- Columns returned by the function 
    start int, 
    fin int 

    SELECT @Start = (SELECT MIN(Start) FROM data WHERE @Start <= Start) 

    WHILE (@Start IS NOT NULL AND @Start < @Fin) 
     INSERT INTO @CollapsedSegments 
     SELECT MIN(s1.Start), MAX(ISNULL(s2.Fin, s1.Fin)) 
     FROM data s1 
     LEFT JOIN data s2 
     ON s1.Start < s2.Fin 
     AND s2.Start <= s1.Fin 
     AND @Fin > s2.start 
     WHERE s1.Start <= @Start 
     AND @Start < s1.Fin 

     SELECT @Start = (SELECT MAX(Fin) FROM @CollapsedSegments) 

     SELECT @Start = MIN(Start) 
     FROM data 
     WHERE Start > @Start 



create table data 
(start int, 
fin int) 

insert into data 
select 1, 2 
union all 
select 3, 5 
union all 
select 4, 6 
union all 
select 8, 9 
union all 
select 10, 11