2013-08-02 23 views



Private Sub cmdrecherche_Click() 
Dim db As Range 
Dim ligne As Integer 
Dim L As Long 
Dim Cd As Long 
Dim Cf As Long 
Dim maxc As Long 
Dim maxl As Long 
Dim cardispo As Integer 

Set dispo = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Dispo") 
Set booking = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("booking") 

maxc = dispo.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column 
maxl = dispo.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 

For Cd = 5 To maxc 
If Format(CDate(dispo.Cells(1, Cd).Value), "mm-dd-yyyy") = Format(CDate  (txtdepart), "mm-dd-yyyy") Then 
    For Cf = 5 To maxc 
     If Format(CDate(dispo.Cells(1, Cf).Value), "mm-dd-yyyy") = Format(CDate(txtfin), "mm-dd-yyyy") Then 
      For L = 2 To maxl 
       If IsEmpty(Range(dispo.Cells(L, Cd), dispo.Cells(L, Cf))) Then 
       cardispo = dispo.Range("A" & L).Value 
       listcar.AddItem cardispo 
       End If 
      Next L 
     End If 
    Next Cf 
End If 
Next Cd 

End Sub 

我從形式獲取2個日期:txtdepart和txtfin。 在工作表「dispo」中,每一列都是日期,每一行都是一輛汽車。 如果汽車被某人使用,則兩個日期之間的單元格會合並並着色。





您是否在使用英文Excel? – Makah


VBA中的IsEmpty函數不能用於具有多個單元格的範圍,它總是會返回'false'。 – chancea



解決我的問題(杜安它可能不是一個很 「美麗」 的方式,但它的工作原理):

Private Sub cmdrecherche_Click() 
Dim db As Range 
Dim ligne As Integer 
Dim L As Long 
Dim Cd As Long 'column of starting date 
Dim Cf As Long 'column of ending date 
Dim cdf As Long 
Dim maxc As Long 
Dim maxl As Long 
Dim cardispo As Integer 
Dim r As Integer 
Dim count As Integer 

Set dispo = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Dispo") 
Set booking = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("booking") 

With dispo 
maxc = .Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column 
maxl = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 

For Cd = 5 To maxc 
    If Format(CDate(.Cells(1, Cd).Value), "mm-dd-yyyy") = Format(CDate(txtdepart), "mm-dd-yyyy") Then 
     For Cf = 5 To maxc 
      If Format(CDate(.Cells(1, Cf).Value), "mm-dd-yyyy") = Format(CDate(txtfin), "mm-dd-yyyy") Then 
      cdf = Cf - Cd 
       For L = 2 To maxl 
       count = 0 
        For r = 0 To cdf 
         If IsEmpty(.Cells(L, Cd).Offset(0, r)) Then 
         count = count + 0 
         count = count + 1 
         End If 
        Next r 
        If count = 0 Then 
        cardispo = .Range("A" & L).Value 
        listcar.AddItem cardispo 
        End If 
       Next L 
      End If 
     Next Cf 
    End If 
Next Cd 
End With 

End Sub 





< If IsEmpty(Range(dispo.Cells(L, Cd), dispo.Cells(L, Cf))) Then 
> If IsEmpty(dispo.Range(dispo.Cells(L, Cd)) And IsEmpty(dispo.Cells(L, Cf)) Then 


With dispo 
    maxc = .Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column 
    maxl = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 

    For Cd = 5 To maxc 
     If Format(CDate(.Cells(1, Cd).Value), "mm-dd-yyyy") = Format(CDate(txtdepart), "mm-dd-yyyy") Then 
      For Cf = 5 To maxc 
       If Format(CDate(.Cells(1, Cf).Value), "mm-dd-yyyy") = Format(CDate(txtfin), "mm-dd-yyyy") Then 
        For L = 2 To maxl 
         If IsEmpty(.Cells(L, Cd)) And IsEmpty(.Cells(L, Cf)) Then 
          cardispo = .Range("A" & L).Value 
          listcar.AddItem cardispo 
         End If 
        Next L 
       End If 
      Next Cf 
     End If 
    Next Cd 
End With 

嗨Makah :)你的第一個建議返回一個錯誤,第二個工程和返回值,但不是正確的...返回的值看起來像只有IsEmpty(.cells(L,Cd)測試,而cf被忽略。另一件事是我想讓程序檢查這兩個值之間的所有單元格,不僅僅是開始日期和結束日期......我一直在研究它,如果我找到解決方案,將會更新。Thx for your help :) – Kespell


對不起男人,但我沒有測試代碼。只是改變了你的代碼試圖幫助你。 :-) – Makah