我正在嘗試以C++方式讀取位圖文件。該文件有兩個標題(一個文件標題和一個圖像標題)。我成功閱讀了他們兩個。但是現在我正試圖讀取數據,就像我衝紅頭文件一樣,我失敗了。當我使用C方式讀取二進制文件時,一切都很好。這裏是代碼: im_bmp.cpp讀取二進制數據問題
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "im_bmp.h"
using namespace std;
void read_bmp(const char* f)
pict I; unsigned char pix[3]; px pxl; int i = 0;
FILE* fl = fopen(f, "rb");
fread(&I, sizeof(pict), 1, fl);
printf("%d\n%d\n",I.im.bpp,I.fhd.f_off); // A test to show the bit per pixel and the offset(where image data begin)
printf("%d %d %d ",pix[2],pix[1],pix[0]); // A test to show the first two pixels
// The code below read binary files in the C++ way
ifstream ifs;
ifs.read((char *)&I,sizeof(pict));
cout << I.im.bpp << endl; // It works here. It's headers
ifs.read((char *)&pxl,sizeof(pxl));
cout << pxl.r << endl; // It fails here to read the first pixel
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#pragma pack(1)
using namespace std;
typedef int int32;
typedef short int16;
typedef struct px
unsigned char r, g, b;
} px;
typedef struct pict
int w, h;
px dt;
} pict;
struct im_hd
int32 hd_sz;
int32 wdt;
int32 hgt;
int16 im_pl;
int16 bpp;
int32 cmp;
int32 im_sz;
int32 hr;
int32 vr;
int32 clr;
int32 mclr;
struct fl_hd
char hd[2];
int32 sz;
int32 rsv;
int32 f_off;
im_hd im;
struct im_hd
int hd_sz;
int wdt;
int hgt;
short im_pl;
short bpp;
int cmp;
int im_sz;
int hr;
int vr;
int clr;
int mclr;
struct fl_hd
char hd[2];
int sz;
int rsv;
int f_off;
//im_hd im;
typedef struct px
unsigned char r, g, b;
} px;
typedef struct pict
fl_hd fhd;
im_hd im;
//int w, h;
//px* dt;
} pict;
void read_bmp(const char* f);
ifstream ifs;
ifs.read((char *)&I,sizeof(pict));
cout << I.im.bpp << endl; // It works here. It's headers
ifs.read((char *)&pxl,sizeof(pxl));
cout << pxl.r << endl; // It fails here to read the first pixel
Hav你檢查了'ifs'的內部標誌嗎? – Geoffroy
你說「它失敗了」,但你有什麼輸出?你在期待什麼? – zakinster