2012-10-16 17 views

我在用C++我自適應梯形規則算法的問題 - 基本上,無論指定的寬容,我得到完全相同的近似。遞歸應該在很大的公差範圍內很早就停止(因爲abs(粗 - 細)將小於3.0 *大公差,並且遞歸的minLevel約爲5)。自適應正交(C++)

然而,這是什麼功能呢運行的最大次數,無論公差的選擇。我在哪裏搞砸了? 編輯:也許有我的幫助函數中的問題?

double trap_rule(double a, double b, double (*f)(double),double tolerance, int count) 
    double coarse = coarse_helper(a,b, f); //getting the coarse and fine approximations from the helper functions 
    double fine = fine_helper(a,b,f); 

    if ((abs(coarse - fine) <= 3.0*tolerance) && (count >= minLevel)) 
     //return fine if |c-f| <3*tol, (fine is "good") and if count above 
     //required minimum level 
     return fine; 
    else if (count >= maxLevel) 
     //maxLevel is the maximum number of recursion we can go through 
     return fine; 

     //if none of these conditions are satisfied, split [a,b] into [a,c] and [c,b] performing trap_rule 
     //on these intervals -- using recursion to adaptively approach a tolerable |coarse-fine| level 
     //here, (a+b)/2 = c 
     return (trap_rule(a, (a+b)/2.0, f, tolerance/2.0, count) + trap_rule((a+b)/2.0, b, f, tolerance/2.0, count)); 

EDIT: Helper and test functions: 

//test function 
double function_1(double a) 
    return pow(a,2); 

//"true" integral for comparison and tolerances 

//helper functions 

double coarse_helper(double a, double b, double (*f)(double)) 
    return 0.5*(b - a)*(f(a) + f(b)); //by definition of coarse approx 

double fine_helper(double a, double b, double (*f)(double)) 
    double c = (a+b)/2.0; 
    return 0.25*(b - a)*(f(a) + 2*f(c) + f(b)); //by definition of fine approx 

double helper(double a, double b, double (*f)(double x), double tol) 
    return trap_rule(a, b, f, tol, 1); 


std::cout << "First we approximate the integral of f(x) = x^2 on [0,2]" << std::endl; 

    std::cout << "Enter a: "; 
    std::cin >> a; 

    std::cout << "Enter b: "; 
    std::cin >> b; 

    true_value1 = analytic_first(a,b); 

    for (int i = 0; i<=8; i++) 
     result1 [i] = helper(a, b, function_1, tolerance[i]); 
     error1 [i] = fabs(true_value1 - result1 [i]); 

    std::cout << "(Approximate integral of x^2, tolerance, error)" << std::endl; 
    for (int i = 0; i<=8; i++) 
     std::cout << "(" << result1 [i] << "," << tolerance[i] << "," << error1[i] << ")" << std::endl; 

第一眼,我看不出有任何問題。你有沒有在每一步驗證過程和罰款值?如果其中一個不好,你會遇到這個問題。你能提供助手和測試功能和初始值,以便我們可以嘗試嗎? – walrii


確定 - 已編輯。 – Emir


任何想法?我仍然無法弄清楚:/ – Emir








啊,傻了。謝謝! – Emir