2015-03-02 186 views

此代碼示例推導,如果你看到的代碼中,B.prototype的doSomething()方法是調用A.protoype的doSomething()同時將B的this OBJ從Mozilla原型繼承返回值


function A(a) { 
    this.varA = a; 

// What is the purpose of including varA in the prototype when A.prototype.varA will always be shadowed by 
// this.varA, given the definition of function A above? 
A.prototype = { 
    varA: null, // Shouldn't we strike varA from the prototype as doing nothing? 
    // perhaps intended as an optimization to allocate space in hidden classes? 
    // https://developers.google.com/speed/articles/optimizing-javascript#Initializing instance variables 
    // would be valid if varA wasn't being initialized uniquely for each instance 
    doSomething: function(a) { 
     return "DoSomething From A" 

function B(a, b) { 
    A.call(this, a); 
    this.varB = b; 
B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype, { 
    varB: { 
     value: null, 
     enumerable: true, 
     configurable: true, 
     writable: true 
    doSomething: { 
     value: function() { // override 
      A.prototype.doSomething.apply(this, arguments); 
      return "DoSomething From B" // call super 
       // ... 
     enumerable: true, 
     configurable: true, 
     writable: true 
B.prototype.constructor = B; 

var b = new B(); 




  1. A.prototype.doSomething.apply(this, arguments);返回 「從A DoSomething的」 並且該值被丟棄
  2. return "DoSomething from B"作爲返回的b.doSomething(7)返回值。

更改return s到console.log S和你會看到它的工作原理就像你期望的那樣,你會得到A消息,則B消息。


謝謝,就是這樣。傻我。 – Minty 2015-03-02 18:51:27