2011-10-26 44 views

我試圖在Mac OS 10.7.2上安裝QCL 0.6.3(可從http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~oemer/qcl.html獲得)。我已經安裝了開發工具,並且可以在c中進行基本的編程,但是我對makefile等等知之甚少。如何在mac os x上安裝量子計算語言?


Besides the usual C++ development tools, you will need to have flex, bison and (optionally) GNU readline installed on your system.

Untar the source package, then cd to the QCL directory, edit the Makefile for your needs and type make make install

This will, by default, install the binary qcl to /usr/local/bin and the QCL include files to /usr/local/lib/qcl.

For plotting support, libplotter (the C++ bindings of of GNU libplot) is required. GNU libplot is part of the the GNU plotutils.

Since version 0.4.3, QCL also includes support for the TeXmacs mathematical text editor. Recent TeXmacs distributions ( or newer) already provide the necessary interfaces, so no additional installation is required.

我認爲flex和野牛在Mac OS X自動爲?不確定readline或libplotter?


g++ -c -Wall -O2 -g -DQCL_DEBUG -DQC_DEBUG -DQCL_PLOT -DQCL_USE_READLINE -DQCL_IRQ -Iqc -DDEF_INCLUDE_PATH="\"/usr/local/lib/qcl\"" -c -o error.o error.cc 
error.cc: In function ‘void initialize_readline()’: 
error.cc:39: error: ‘rl_unbind_key’ was not declared in this scope 
make: *** [error.o] Error 1 



您是否按照說明爲您的需要編輯Makefile? –


