2017-09-20 29 views


  1. 有七個單元,每個單元含有在標準符號(XDY + Z,其中X是對卷的Y面骰子的數目被軋製,以Z骰子的數量和類型作爲獎金/罰分)
  2. 的號碼被通過輥類型
  3. 的數字是爲每個組(I有這一步工作,所以這是沒有問題的)中產生總結了成唯一的組。
  4. 一個附加輥對每個組
  5. 的最低數目被丟棄
  6. 的號碼被分配到輸出範圍中,爲了製成,所以它們匹配他們的骰子的行。






Divide into buckets: 3 x 1d6; 1 x 1d8; 1 x 1d10; 2 x 1d4  

Roll dice, with an extra roll for each bucket:  
4 x 1d6 - 4, 4, 5, 2  
2 x 1d8 - 8, 7  
2 x 1d10 - 1, 3  
3 x 1d4 - 1, 1, 4  

Drop lowest value, leaving the following numbers:  
1d6: 4, 4, 5  
1d8: 8  
1d10: 3  
1d4: 1, 4  

Assign them in order:  
1d6 - 4 
1d6 - 4  
1d8 - 8  
1d10 - 3  
1d4 - 1  
1d6 - 5  
1d4 - 4  


Sub GenerateOld() 
    For i = 1 To 7 
     Range("Dice_Output").Cells(i).Value = _ 
    Next i 
End Sub 


Sub GenerateNew() 
    Dim diceDictionary 
    Set diceDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

    For Each Cell In Range("Char_Characteristics_Dice").Cells 
     If diceDictionary.Exists(Cell.Value) Then 
      diceDictionary(Cell.Value) = diceDictionary(Cell.Value) + 1 
      diceDictionary.Add Cell.Value, 1 
     End If 
    Next Cell 

    For Each diceType In diceDictionary 
     ' RollDice(diceType) 
     ' Roll X drop lowest 
    Next cont 

    ' Place back into Dice_Output range in order 
End Sub 

你到目前爲止嘗試過哪些代碼? – braX


我已經編寫了代碼,用單元格的值作爲Key來輸出具有唯一類型的骰子的集合。我仍然需要弄清楚如何計算有多少。 – FatMan


幫助這裏的人幫助你調整現有的代碼,而不是完全爲你寫。請嘗試並將其發佈在您的問題中。 – braX




  1. 從Excel的範圍內獲取的值,它們傳遞到第一陣列
  2. 設置的次數需要進行擲骰子
  3. 傳第一陣列的2D陣列,並用信息填充它完成
  4. 使用臨時數組以得到從輥值,然後粘貼到Excel表單

    Sub roll() 
    Dim i As Long 
    Dim j As Long 
    Dim k As Long 
    Dim lr As Long 
    Dim upperbound As Long 
    Dim lowerbound As Long 
    Dim frequency As String 
    Dim rolls As String 
    Dim rng As Range 
    Dim arr1D() As String 
    Dim arr2D() As String 
    Dim rollresult As Integer 
    Dim arr_min As Variant 
    Dim FirstCheck As Boolean 
    Dim targetdi As Variant 
    'Set the area with values for the dice roll simulation 
    lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 
    'Clear the result area for roll results 
    Range(Cells(2, "B"), Cells(lr, "B")).ClearContents 
    Set rng = Range(Cells(2, "A"), Cells(lr, "A")) 
    'Collect unique values from the range 
    For Each cell In rng 
        If (cell <> "") And (InStr(frequency, cell) = 0) Then 
         frequency = frequency & cell & "|" 
        End If 
    Next cell 
    If Len(frequency) > 0 Then frequency = Left(frequency, Len(frequency) - 1) 
    arr1D = Split(frequency, "|") 
        'Set up the 2D array with a space for the number of rolls 
        ReDim arr2D(LBound(arr1D) To UBound(arr1D), LBound(arr1D) To 3) 
         'Copy contents from first (1D) array into the second (2D) array 
        For i = LBound(arr1D) To UBound(arr1D) 
         arr2D(i, 0) = arr1D(i) 
         arr2D(i, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(2, "A"), Cells(lr, "A")), "=" & arr2D(i, 0)) + 1 
         arr2D(i, 2) = Right(arr2D(i, 0), Len(arr2D(i, 0)) - InStr(1, arr2D(i, 0), "d")) 
        'Keep rollin rollin rollin WHAT Keep rollin rollin rollin 
         For j = 1 To (arr2D(i, 1)) 
          If ((arr2D(i, 2)) <> "") Then 
           rollresult = Int((Int((arr2D(i, 2) + 1)) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1) 
           rolls = rolls & rollresult & "|" 
          End If 
         Next j 
        rolls = Left(rolls, Len(rolls) - 1) 
        arr2D(i, 3) = rolls 
        rolls = "" 
        Next i 
    For i = LBound(arr2D) To UBound(arr2D) 
        temparray = Split(arr2D(i, 3), "|") 
        arr_min = temparray(LBound(temparray)) 
         For j = LBound(temparray) To UBound(temparray) 'LBound(temparray) To UBound(temparray) - 1 
          If temparray(j) < arr_min Then 
           arr_min = temparray(j) 
          End If 
         Next j 
    'Remove the lowest value, but preserve the order 
        For j = LBound(temparray) To UBound(temparray) 
         If temparray(j) = arr_min And FirstCheck = False Then 
          temparray(j) = "" 
          FirstCheck = True 
         End If 
        Next j 
    'Place the results back in the sheet 
    For j = LBound(temparray) To UBound(temparray) 
        If temparray(j) <> "" Then 
         targetdi = arr2D(i, 0) 
          For k = 2 To lr 
           If Cells(k, "A").Value = targetdi And Cells(k, "B").Value = "" Then 
            Cells(k, "B").Value = temparray(j) 
           End If 
          Next k 
         End If 
        Next j 
    Next i 
    End Sub