2012-07-11 24 views

笛卡爾的生產有一個足夠好的功能 - 序列其定義這樣的:更不穩定序列比「經典」

let rec sequence = function 
    | []  -> Seq.singleton [] 
    | (l::ls) -> seq { for x in l do for xs in sequence ls do yield (x::xs) } 


序列[[1..2]; [1..10000]] |> Seq.skip 1000 ;; val it:seq = seq [[1; 1001]; [1; 1002]; [1; 1003]; [1; 1004]; ...]



/// Sum of all producted indeces = n 
let rec hyper'plane'indices indexsum maxlengths = 
    match maxlengths with 
    | [x]  -> if indexsum < x then [[indexsum]] else [] 
    | (i::is) -> [for x in [0 .. min indexsum (i-1)] do for xs in hyper'plane'indices (indexsum-x) is do yield (x::xs)] 
    | []  -> [[]] 

let finite'sequence = function 
    | [] -> Seq.singleton [] 
    | ns -> 
     let ars = [ for n in ns -> Seq.toArray n ] 
     let length'list = List.map Array.length ars 
     let nmax = List.max length'list 
     seq { 
      for n in [0 .. nmax] do 
      for ixs in hyper'plane'indices n length'list do 
       yield (List.map2 (fun (a:'a[]) i -> a.[i]) ars ixs) 

的核心思想是在(二)名單看起來在(二)正交的維度,每一個元素標誌着其在指數名單。所以我們可以枚舉所有元素,通過枚舉每個笛卡兒積的每個元素的超平面(在2D情況下,這是一條線)。換句話說,想象一下excel的表格,其中第一列包含[1; 1]到[1; 10000]的值,其次是從[2; 1]到[2; 10000]。編號爲1的「超平面」是連接單元格A2和單元格B1的線。對於我們的例子

hyper'plane'indices 0 [2; 10000] ;; val it:int list list = [[0; 0]]
hyper'plane'indices 1 [2; 10000] ;; val it:int list list = [[0; 1]; [1; 0]]
hyper'plane'indices 2 [2; 10000] ;; val it:int list list = [[0; 2]; [1; 1]]
hyper'plane'indices 3 [2; 10000] ;; val it:int list list = [[0; 3]; [1; 2]]
hyper'plane'indices 4 [2; 10000] ;; val it:int list list = [[0; 4]; [1; 3]]



祝福亞歷山大。 (對於英語不好的人,很抱歉)


我不知道我跟着你想要做什麼,而是你有沒有考慮使用簡單的笛卡爾函數預填充數組,然後做該數組中提取子序列/模式上的索引查找你要?似乎可能會更簡單。 – Daniel 2012-07-11 15:15:13


我想簡化一下。我想徹底擺脫陣列。請(爲簡潔起見)對@toyvo發表評論。預填充並不總是可能的。在我的情況下,很容易得到10個數組,每個元素都有1e5個元素作爲笛卡爾生產的參數。我正在做的事情的好例子(不是很有效)可能是_quickcheck_-like生成器。你用1000個符號取10個wchar數組,並嘗試製作長度爲10的字符串。我對C#解決方案有想象力,但我希望有更多或更少的簡潔功能。所以我嘗試。如果您有任何想法或建議,請在gmail.com免費發送電子郵件*我。 Tnx – 2012-07-12 08:19:42


@ alexander.vladislav.popov啊,所以你的應用程序是* quickcheck *。這意味着你可以使用隨機抽樣?這可能會大大減少你的宇宙。還是你想做詳盡的測試? – t0yv0 2012-07-12 20:36:45



你能解釋一下問題到底是什麼 - 時間或空間的複雜性或性能?你有沒有具體的基準?我不知道如何在這裏改進時間複雜性,但是我編輯了一下代碼來刪除中間列表,這可能會對內存分配行爲有所幫助。


for n in [0 .. nmax] do 


for n in 0 .. nmax do 


let rec hyper'plane'indices indexsum maxlengths = 
    match maxlengths with 
    | [] -> Seq.singleton [] 
    | [x] -> if indexsum < x then Seq.singleton [indexsum] else Seq.empty 
    | i :: is -> 
     seq { 
      for x in 0 .. min indexsum (i - 1) do 
       for xs in hyper'plane'indices (indexsum - x) is do 
        yield x :: xs 

let finite'sequence xs = 
    match xs with 
    | [] -> Seq.singleton [] 
    | ns -> 
     let ars = [ for n in ns -> Seq.toArray n ] 
     let length'list = List.map Array.length ars 
     let nmax = List.max length'list 
     seq { 
      for n in 0 .. nmax do 
       for ixs in hyper'plane'indices n length'list do 
        yield List.map2 Array.get ars ixs 



merge :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] 
merge [] y   = y 
merge x []   = x 
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) = x : y : merge xs ys 

prod :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] 
prod _ [] _ = [] 
prod _ _ [] = [] 
prod f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : a `merge` b `merge` prod f xs ys where 
    a = [f x y | x <- xs] 
    b = [f x y | y <- ys] 

prodN :: [[a]] -> [[a]] 
prodN []  = [[]] 
prodN (x:xs) = prod (:) x (prodN xs) 

我還沒有移植這F#還沒有 - 它需要一些思想爲序列與頭部/尾部不匹配得很好。



type Node<'T> = 
    | Nil 
    | Cons of 'T * Stream<'T> 

and Stream<'T> = Lazy<Node<'T>> 

let (!!) (x: Lazy<'T>) = x.Value 
let (!^) x = Lazy.CreateFromValue(x) 

let rec merge (xs: Stream<'T>) (ys: Stream<'T>) : Stream<'T> = 
    match !!xs, !!ys with 
    | Nil, r | r, Nil -> r 
    | Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) -> Cons (x, !^ (Cons (y, merge xs ys))) 

let rec map (f: 'T1 -> 'T2) (xs: Stream<'T1>) : Stream<'T2> = 
    match !!xs with 
    | Nil -> Nil 
    | Cons (x, xs) -> Cons (f x, map f xs) 

let (++) = merge 

let rec prod f xs ys = 
    match !!xs, !!ys with 
    | Nil, _ | _, Nil -> Nil 
    | Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) -> 
     let a = map (fun x -> f x y) xs 
     let b = map (fun y -> f x y) ys 
     Cons (f x y, a ++ b ++ prod f xs ys) 

let ofSeq (s: seq<'T>) = 
    let e = s.GetEnumerator() 
    let rec loop() = 
     if e.MoveNext() 
      then Cons (e.Current, loop()) 
      else e.Dispose(); Nil 
    !! (loop()) 

let toSeq stream = 
    |> Seq.unfold (fun stream -> 
     match !!stream with 
     | Nil -> None 
     | Cons (x, xs) -> Some (x, xs)) 

let empty<'T> : Stream<'T> = !^ Nil 
let cons x xs = !^ (Cons (x, xs)) 
let singleton x = cons x empty 

let rec prodN (xs: Stream<Stream<'T>>) : Stream<Stream<'T>> = 
    match !!xs with 
    | Nil -> singleton empty 
    | Cons (x, xs) -> prod cons x (prodN xs) 

let test() = 
    ofSeq [ 
     ofSeq [1; 2; 3] 
     ofSeq [4; 5; 6] 
     ofSeq [7; 8; 9] 
    |> prodN 
    |> toSeq 
    |> Seq.iter (fun xs -> 
     toSeq xs 
     |> Seq.map string 
     |> String.concat ", " 
     |> stdout.WriteLine) 

非常感謝Toyvo。更好?一點都不,對不起。但問題在於轉換seq->數組。當序列足夠大時,陣列需要重要的存儲空間。我把這個算法做成了絕望的手勢。例如,在某些情況下,_finite'sequence_的版本在使用_sequence_時需要700M - 只有20M。我有2-D功能解決方案(僅限紙張)。這個想法:你正在像蛇一樣列舉 - a1,b1,a2,a3,b2 ..等等。但我沒有n-D的genalization。這是一個美麗的問題。構建_sequence_的蛇版本。 – 2012-07-12 06:08:13


我不認爲它會起作用。你的ALG需要前進*和後退*,所以你不能使用'seq' - 'seq'只能前進。 'array'給你隨機訪問,但是會花費內存。輸入數據來自哪裏(輸入序列)?你可以設計一個類似數組的界面,但使用較少內存的DS來適應這一點。例如,如果數據來自文件,則可以設計DS在該文件中來回查找。 – t0yv0 2012-07-12 13:38:39


這正是我從Haskell所需要的。擁有類似F#的解決方案將會很棒。也許LazyList? – 2012-07-13 04:10:22