2017-06-02 157 views



`function calendar() { 
// show info on init 

// vars 
var day_of_week = new Array(
'So','Mo', 'Di', 
'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'), 
    month_of_year = new Array(
    'Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 
    'April', 'May', 'Juni', 'July', 
    'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 
    'November', 'Dezember'), 

    Calendar = new Date(), 
    year = Calendar.getYear(), 
    month = Calendar.getMonth(), 
    today = Calendar.getDate(), 
    weekday = Calendar.getDay(), 
    html = ''; 

// start in 1 and this month 

// template calendar 
html = '<table>'; 
// head 
html += '<thead>'; 
html += '<tr class="head_cal"><th colspan="7">' + month_of_year[month] + 
html += '<tr class="subhead_cal"><th colspan="7">' + Calendar.getFullYear() 
html += '<tr class="week_cal">'; 
for (index = 0; index < 7; index++) { 
    if (weekday == index) { 
    html += '<th class="week_event">' + day_of_week[index] + '</th>'; 
} else { 
    html += '<th>' + day_of_week[index] + '</th>'; 
    html += '</tr>'; 
    html += '</thead>'; 

    // body 
    html += '<tbody class="days_cal">'; 
    html += '</tr>'; 

    // white zone 
    for (index = 0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++) { 
    html += '<td class="white_cal"> </td>'; 

    for (index = 0; index < 31; index++) { 
    if (Calendar.getDate() > index) { 

    week_day = Calendar.getDay(); 

    if (week_day === 0) { 
    html += '</tr>'; 
    if (week_day !== 7) { 
    // this day 
    var day = Calendar.getDate(); 
    var info = (Calendar.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + day + '/' + 

     if (today === Calendar.getDate()) { 
      html += '<td><a class="today_cal" href="#" data-id="' + 
      info + '" onclick="return showInfo(\'' + 
      info + '\')">' + 
      day + '</a></td>'; 


     } else { 
      html += '<td><a href="#" data-id="' + 
      info + '" onclick="return showInfo(\'' + 
      info + '\')">' + 
      day + '</a></td>'; 


     if (week_day == 7) { 
     html += '</tr>'; 


    Calendar.setDate(Calendar.getDate() + 1); 

    } // end for loop 
    return html; 



爲什麼不能在此處發佈代碼?錯誤信息是什麼意思?這是否值得一個語言標籤? – doctorlove


您的文章似乎包含代碼格式不正確的代碼。請使用代碼工具欄按鈕或CTRL + K鍵盤快捷鍵將所有代碼縮進4個空格。要獲得更多編輯幫助,請單擊[?]工具欄圖標。 – HTMH


我以爲你的意思是你在運行代碼時遇到了錯誤。 – doctorlove





var day_of_week = new Array('So', 'Mo', 'Di','Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa')


var day_of_week = new Array('Mo', 'Di','Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'So')




行 - 我明白你的意思。在我的建議之後,您的星期幾日期與日期不正確(例如2017年6月3日是星期六,但顯示爲星期日)。


在你white zone你需要第一Calendar.getDay()循環從改變:

for (index = 0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++)


for (index = 0; index < Calendar.getDay() -1; index++)


week_day = Calendar.getDay();


week_day = Calendar.getDay() -1;

你應該去通過你的代碼的其餘部分,並檢查其他月份,以確保你不會得到一個無效日期( NaN),因爲你將日期減少了一天。




_('#calendar').innerHTML = calendar(); 

// short queySelector 
function _(s) { 
    return document.querySelector(s); 

function calendar() { 

    var html = '<table><thead><tr>'; 

    html += '<td>Mon</td>'; 
    html += '<td>Tue</td>'; 
    html += '<td>Wed</td>'; 
    html += '<td>Thu</td>'; 
    html += '<td>Fri</td>'; 
    html += '<td>Sat</td>'; 
    html += '<td>Sun</td>'; 

    html += '</tr></thead>'; 

    return html + '<tbody>' + calendarRows(new Date("2017/07/02")) + '</tbody></table>'; 

function calendarRows(dt) { 

    var html = ''; 

    // Get the number of days in the month 
    var d = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth()+1, 0); 
    var totalDays = d.getDate(); 

    // Get the first day of the month 
    var f = new Date(dt); 
    // The first day of the month for the date passed 
    var firstDayOfMonth = f.getDay(); 
    // The actual date of the month in the calendar 
    var calendarDate = 1; 
    // The actual day in any given week. 1 === first day, 7 === last 
    var dayOfWeek = 1; 

    while (dayOfWeek < 9 && calendarDate <= totalDays) { 

    if (dayOfWeek === 8) { 
     dayOfWeek = 1; 

    // If we are at the start of a new week, create a new row 
    if (dayOfWeek === 1) { 
     html += '<tr>'; 

    // Process the calendar day 
    html += '<td>'; 

    // Is this the first day of the month? 
    if (calendarDate === 1 && firstDayOfMonth === dayOfWeek) { 
     html += calendarDate; 
     calendarDate ++; 
    else { 
     if (calendarDate === 1 || calendarDate > totalDays) { 
     html += '&nbsp;'; 
     else { 
     html += calendarDate; 
     calendarDate ++; 

    html +='</td>'; 

    // Are we at the end of a week? 
    if (dayOfWeek === 7) { 
     html += '</tr>'; 

    dayOfWeek ++; 

    return html; 




行 - 我已經爲您創建了Codepen有它與您的格式工作。您仍然需要使彈出事件正常工作,並添加相關代碼以在日曆中顯示事件。如果需要,您還可以將代碼擰緊。我把它留給了詳細信息,這樣你就可以看到發生了什麼。

_('#calendar').innerHTML = calendar(); 

// short queySelector 
function _(s) { 
    return document.querySelector(s); 

// show info 
function showInfo(event) { 
    // Your code in here 

// toggle event show or hide 
function hideEvent(){ 

function calendar() { 


    var calDate = new Date("2017/06/02"); 

    var weekdays = new Array('Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'So'); 
    var months = new Array(
     'Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 
     'April', 'May', 'Juni', 'July', 
     'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 
     'November', 'Dezember'); 

    // Working vars 
    var d = calDate.getDate(), 
     m = calDate.getMonth(), 
     y = calDate.getFullYear(), 
     day = calDate.getDay(), 
     today = calDate.getDate(); 

    var html = '<table><thead>'; 

    // Month 
    html += '<tr class="head_cal"><th colspan="7">' + months[m] + '</th></tr>'; 

    // Year 
    html += '<tr class="subhead_cal"><th colspan="7">' + y + '</th></tr>'; 

    // Days of week 
    html += '<tr class="week_cal">'; 

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { 
    if (today == i) { 
     html += '<th class="week_event">' + weekdays[i] + '</th>'; 
    } else { 
     html += '<th>' + weekdays[i] + '</th>'; 

    html += '</tr>'; 
    html += '</thead>'; 

    // Individual calendar days 
    html += '<tbody class="days_cal">' + calendarRows(calDate, d, m, y, day, today) + '</tbody></table>'; 

    return html; 

function calendarRows(calDate, d, m, y, day, today) { 

    var html = ''; 

    // Get the number of days in the month 
    var tempDt = new Date(calDate.getFullYear(), calDate.getMonth()+1, 0); 
    var totalDays = tempDt.getDate(); 

    // Get the first day of the month 
    var firstDayOfMonth = tempDt.getDay(); 

    // Reset the day to 1 (first day of any month) 
    d = 1; 

    // Counter for tracking day of week. 1 === first day, 7 === last 
    var dayOfWeek = 1; 

    while (dayOfWeek < 9 && d <= totalDays) { 

    if (dayOfWeek === 8) { 
     dayOfWeek = 1; 

    // If we are at the start of a new week, create a new row 
    if (dayOfWeek === 1) { 
     html += '<tr>'; 

    // Is this the first day of the month? 
    if (d === 1 && firstDayOfMonth === dayOfWeek) { 
     html += makeCell(d, m, y, today); 
     d ++; 
    else { 
     if (d === 1 || d > totalDays) { 
     html += '<td>&nbsp;</td>'; 
     else { 
     html += makeCell(d, m, y, today); 
     d ++; 

    // Are we at the end of a week? 
    if (dayOfWeek === 7) { 
     html += '</tr>'; 

    dayOfWeek ++; 

    return html; 

function makeCell(d, m, y, today) { 

    var info = (m + 1) + "/" + d + "/" + y; 

    var cell = "<td><a href='#' "; 

    cell += d === today ? "class='today_cal' " : ""; 
    cell += "data-id='" + info + "' onclick=\"return showInfo('" + info + "')\">"; 
    cell += d + "</a></td>"; 

    return cell; 




更新相同Codepen - 我覺得這個固定您的問題,再加上你可以設置一週來你想要的任何一天的第一天,日曆應該進行相應的調整。代碼更改位於CalendarRows函數中:

function calendarRows(calDate, d, m, y, day, today) { 

    var html = ''; 

    // Get the number of days in the month 
    var tempDt = new Date(calDate.getFullYear(), calDate.getMonth()+1, 0); 
    var totalDays = tempDt.getDate(); 

    // Get the first day of the month 
    var firstDayOfMonth = tempDt.getDay(); 

    // Reset the day to 1 (first day of any month) 
    d = 1; 

    // Weekdays are 0 === Sunday, 6 === Saturday 
    var firstDayOfWeek = 1, // <-- this means weeks start on Monday 
     lastDayOfWeek = 0, // <-- this measn Sunday 
     dayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek, 
     safety = 0, 
     endLoop = false; 

    while (endLoop === false) { 

    safety ++; 

    if ((dayOfWeek === firstDayOfWeek && d > totalDays) || safety === 50) { 

     if (safety === 50) console.error("Infinite loop safety break"); 


    // If we are at the start of a new week, create a new row 
    if (dayOfWeek === firstDayOfWeek) { 
     html += '<tr>'; 

    // Is this the first day of the month? 
    if (d === 1 && firstDayOfMonth === dayOfWeek) { 
     html += makeCell(d, m, y, today); 
     d ++; 
    else { 
     if (d === 1 || d > totalDays) { 
     html += '<td>&nbsp;</td>'; 
     else { 
     html += makeCell(d, m, y, today); 
     d ++; 

    // Are we at the end of a week? 
    if (dayOfWeek === lastDayOfWeek) { 
     html += '</tr>'; 

    // Add a day to the current day counter 
    dayOfWeek ++; 

    // If we get to Saturday, reset the next day to Sunday 
    if (dayOfWeek === 7) 
     dayOfWeek = 0; 


    return html; 

如果我更改它,星期六顯示爲當天。 我試圖閱讀幫助,但我的英語太糟糕了。 – HTMH


要添加一些代碼,請使用編輯器中的代碼標籤(大括號),然後使用鏈接(鏈接)選項添加鏈接。 – Hooligancat


謝謝,現在我可以發佈代碼。 – HTMH