from nltk.tokenize.punkt import PunktSentenceTokenizer, PunktLanguageVars
ex_sent = "This is an example showing sentence filtration.This is how it is done, in case of Python I want to learn more. So, that i can have some experience over it, by it I mean python."
class CommaPoint(PunktLanguageVars):
sent_end_chars = ('.','?','!',',')
tokenizer = PunktSentenceTokenizer(lang_vars = CommaPoint())
print n_w
['This is an example showing sentence filtration.This is how it is done,' 'in case of Python I want to learn more.' 'So,' 'that i can have some experience over it,' 'by it I mean python.\n']
當我試圖給 ''沒有任何空間它是把它作爲一個詞
['This is an example showing sentence filtration.' 'This is how it is done,' 'in case of Python I want to learn more.' 'So,' 'that i can have some experience over it,' 'by it I mean python.']
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