#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct shop {
string custName;
string custAdd;
string custNum;
string custClothPrice;
struct shop* next;
int main (void)
struct shop* head;
head = NULL;
struct shop* pointer=NULL;
printf("**********WELCOME TO AZIZIYAH CREATIONS**********\n\n");
char cont = 'y';
printf("Please enter customer details\n");
printf("Please Enter NAME : ");
head->custName = GetString();
printf("Please Enter Address: ");
head->custAdd = GetString();
printf("Please Enter Cell No: ");
head->custNum = GetString();
printf("Please Enter Price : ");
head->custClothPrice = GetString();
return 0;
printf("Would you liked to add more customer(s)?: Y/N:");
cont = GetChar();
head->next = pointer;
if (cont == 'Y' || cont == 'y')
pointer = malloc(sizeof(shop));
pointer->next = NULL;
while (cont == 'y' || cont == 'Y')
printf("Please enter customer details\n");
printf("Please Enter NAME : ");
pointer->custName = GetString();
printf("Please Enter Address: ");
pointer->custAdd = GetString();
printf("Please Enter Cell No: ");
pointer->custNum = GetString();
printf("Please Enter Price : ");
pointer->custClothPrice = GetString();
printf("Would you liked to add more customer(s)?: Y/N:");
cont = GetChar();
if (cont == 'Y' || cont == 'y')
pointer->next = malloc(sizeof(shop));
pointer = pointer ->next;
struct shop* traverse;
traverse = head;
if (traverse->next == NULL)
printf("WAS FOUND NULL\n");
while (traverse->next != NULL)
printf("%s\n", traverse->custName);
printf("%s\n", traverse->custAdd);
printf("%s\n", traverse->custNum);
printf("%s\n", traverse->custClothPrice);
traverse = traverse->next;
printf("**********THANK YOU FOR VISITING**********\n");
必須首先輸入 輸出後使其產生分段故障(核心轉儲)的誤差的應用 ********** WELCOME TO阿齊濟耶CREATIONS **********核心轉儲?
請輸入客戶信息 請輸入姓名:ASD 分割故障(核心轉儲)
請務必寫下您的問題,「請好心幫忙」不是問題。我們應該怎樣幫助你?你想讓我們做什麼? – fuz
請格式化您的代碼。 –