$file = file($files);
$lines = str_replace("'", '', $file);
$noMultipleSpace = removeMultipleSpaces($lines);
$fileContents = array();
foreach($noMultipleSpace as $line) {
if (isLatin($line) && count(preg_split('/\s+/', $line)) > 25) {
$newContent = preg_split('/\\.\\s*/', $line);
foreach($newContent as $newsContent) {
$pos1 = stripos($newsContent, ':');
if ($pos1 == false && count(preg_split('/\s+/', $newsContent) > 3) && isLatin($newsContent)) {
$fileContents[] = $newsContent;
$content = implode('.', $fileContents);
function isLatin($string) {
return preg_match('/^\\s*[a-z,A-Z]/', $string) > 0;
function removeMultipleSpaces($string){
return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$string);
但是,在內爆過程,下一句中的點貼。例如sentence1 .Sentence2
。我的期望是sentence1. Sentence2
ChengXiang Zhai
Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Temporal Text Mining (TTM) is concerned with discovering temporal patterns in text
information collected over time. Since most text information bears some time stamps, TTM has many applications in multiple domains, such as summarizing events in news articles and
revealing research trends in scientific literature. In this paper, we study a particular TTM
task discovering and summarizing the evolutionary patterns of themes in a text stream. We
define this new text mining problem and present general probabilistic methods for solving
this problem through (1) discovering latent themes from text; (2) constructing an evolution
graph of themes; and (3) analyzing life cycles of themes. Evaluation of the proposed methods
on two different domains (i.e., news articles and literature) shows that the proposed
methods can discover interesting evolutionary theme patterns effectively. Categories and
Subject Descriptors: H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]: Clustering General Terms:
Algorithms Keywords: Temporal text mining, evolutionary theme patterns, theme threads,
我想要得到的重要句子只,從Temporal Text Mining (TTM)...
究竟是什麼你想實現什麼,也請提供例如輸入。 – clentfort
@clentfort我已經添加了,謝謝:) – bruine