2017-05-05 22 views

我對使用垂直繼承或者組合進行簡單的OOP實現有第二個想法。我讀過很多,但我仍然很難下定決心。 ^^在特定上下文中的繼承與構造

我需要生成四個不同的報告:報價,發票,目錄和手冊: - 每個報告都有相同的頁眉和頁腳。 - 報價和發票包含具有不同數據的相同格式表。 - 小冊子和目錄與其他報告的結構不同,並且沒有表格。

我想在這裏提供OOP設計方面的幫助;我將介紹我的兩個想法(僞代碼),但任何反饋將不勝感激。 :)


class Report 
    method Header() 
     // Print the header 

    method Footer() 
     // Print the footer 

class ReportTable 
    method Table() 
     // Print the table 

class Quote extends ReportTable 
    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     call Table() 
     // Print some more quote stuff 

     call Footer() 

class Invoice extends ReportTable 
    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     call Table() 
     // Print some more invoice stuff 

     call Footer() 

class Catalogue extends Report 
    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     // Print catalogue stuff 

     call Footer() 

class Brochure extends Report 
    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     // Print brochure stuff 

     call Footer() 


class Report 
    method Header() 
     // Print the header 

    method Footer() 
     // Print the footer 

class Table 
    method Table() 
     // Print the table 

class Quote extends Report 
    property table 

    constructor Quote(Table table) 
     self.table = table 

    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     call self.table.Table() 
     // Print some more quote stuff 

     call Footer() 

class Invoice extends Report 
    property table 

    constructor Invoice(Table table) 
     self.table = table 

    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     call self.table.Table() 
     // Print some more invoice stuff 

     call Footer() 

class Catalogue extends Report 
    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     // Print catalogue stuff 

     call Footer() 

class Brochure extends Report 
    method BuildReport() 
     call Header() 

     // Print brochure stuff 

     call Footer() 

非常感謝! :)


